We have already received Hansell's contract "offer." He calls it the Four Pillars. Did you read it?
It's a total non-starter but they have no incentive to actually negotiate in good faith unless we give them the incentive. Every day without a new contract is money saved in the company's pocket. Hence the ad campaign, the picketing, and the other union activities we're beginning to see.
It is all part of the process of negotiating a contract, especially one governed by the Railway Labor Act. I get that you haven't been down this road before. But l implore you to listen more closely to some of those that HAVE. My wife has a strike star on her ALPA wings because of a horrible, intransigent, arrogant CEO that cost his airline more in the two weeks of the strike than the union's contract proposal would have cost over the LIFETIME of the contract.
We have the exact same scenario developing here unless we get Uncle Warren to PAY ATTENTION. And yes, we need to embarrass Omaha. It is the ONLY way to get rid of Hansell and that is the only way to get this train back on the rails. If you can't recognize that, then I'm probably wasting bandwidth.
Maybe if we could get Billy Noe to actually do his job, including prevailing on Warren to sack Hansell, things would be ok.