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Actually Diesel....I think that he doesn't want a union so he doesn't have to show his true colors and be just as shameful as his father when the time comes.
Goooooooberster has judged his heart on the matter and it shows.
Enter my statement...
Enter your statement...
So you don't deny you need a refund on your Public (Government) Education.
No one has used the word communist that I've seen except you. Further more what does it have to do with my statement?
Are you saying that we are communist because we don't agree with you? Are you the standard bearer for the True American that we must not be because we don't agree with you? Are you saying that because we haven't broken the law and screamed Fire in a crowded movie theatre that we are communist? I'm a little confused on how you managed to leap from not being able to say anything you want to you are a communist. Any thoughts on how you got this screwed up in logic? Are you capable of logical thought?
Also, since when did we all/I become communist's? Was it the day I joined the C.A.P.? Or the day I joined the boy scouts? Or the day I went to college? Or was it when I joined the U.S. Navy? Could it have been when I went to war in a far away country? Could it have been the day I got an Honorable Discharge for my service to this country (the greatest country on the planet..The United States of America)? Please help us with your thoughts 'oh wise one (not).
I wonder aloud. Exactly where did you get your education....was it your father (who seems to make as many excuses as you do)?
As a side note:
Mr. Goooobester I don't know you personally so please don't take this personally. Your Stupid if you think you have any facts that prove I'm a communist. (You see Ignorant is fixable....Stupid is not.)
BTW, please learn to proof your statements before you submit them. Its called an Edit button. Try it sometime in the future.
What research have you done on communism? Was it watching Red Dawn?
Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production.
To quote Carl Marx-
"In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic."
...the union members are willing to do things to you are are illegal....sounds so much like communism to me.......
Like I said, to y'all, the end justifies the means. Basis for communism.
I don't have to prove that you are a communist. But I can prove that you think like one and have the same rational as one. All one has to do is read your previous posts on this well as the others that have posted on this thread. They speak for themselves.
First, I have never done anything illegal.
Second, I have never asked anyone to do anything illegal.
Third, That would make your statement of Y'ALL void and with no effect.
Fourth, Are you saying "Communism = Willing to do Illegal things"? That is stupid.
Okay, again if I'm not part of the Y'All this statment is out of place.
"Communism = The End Justifies the Means" or "Communism = Willing to do Illegal things" which is it?
I know you are so stupid I'm going to stop trying to offer you a free education. You don't deserve it.
And by the way they felt like it would be icing on the cake if there were no jews within the society too.
You rode the short bus to school didn't you.....I know you may be a little slow, so I will explain it to you one more time. You are willing to do things illegal because your end justifies the means.....they go together. And your comments about my dad deserving what he got and more says that you condone those types of illegal actions.
wow way to bring racism into this. Man, talk about ignorant.
More personal attacks. More name calling. My what an intellect Goooober'ster.
I'm still waiting for MY post on your father that explains this statement above.
I'm still waiting for you to prove with MY posts that I'm a communist.
I'll be waiting for a long time b/c they don't exist.
I rode the normal bus if it helps. I made it through the World's most difficult education program. It's called the United States Navy Nuclear Power Program. I also qualified to ride Submarines. Only the most capable get that honor.
What have you done?
So are you saying that the union was wrong in what they did to my dad?
Let me make this very clear to you my young friend.
I will rip any pilot a new one if he crossed the picket line. I walked the line in 1989 and saw a number of scumbags cross in front of me in PHL.
A person who crosses a line is lower then the lowest scum that the good Lord could ever create. And as such, I hope they dries up and blow away once the sunlight hits them.
If your family member did what you claim he did then he deserves everthing he got and 100% more.......For crossing a picket line he should be living in a refridgerator box begging for hand outs.
I hope this is perfectly clear to you....
You hit a nerve buddy......
So are you saying that the union was wrong in what they did to my dad?
Yes it is wrong to harm or damage property of foolish individuals whom wish to cross the line.
My father was an Eastern pilot. He Didn't cross the line. I actually walked the line with him on occassion.
I was at Eagle when we went through the contract of last. I was on probation and could not vote.
I've been on both sides of the fence.
I just helped a buddy get on with NetJets. He is very happy. He had a similiar past in aviation.
Jobs come and go. What you do when you are on line is taken as who you are. Those that cross the line are scumbags. But, no one should be punished physically for it. But, it is a small community and we know everyone for there actions. Your words or actions are remembered. That is the way it is.
We have local Eastern Scabs at my airport. I will not help them or hurt them. They are their own worst enemy. I don't have to do anything to hurt them. I do call them by name though. That name is SCAB.
A strike is won around the kitchen table. When a person has to look across the table and see his spouse and children. That is were it is won and lost.
Do I love all unions. NO!
Do I love being treated unfairly without a say by a company. NO!
Therefore, a union is the answer. It is totally American. Equality for your labor. Protection from punitive punishment by the company and a compensation for your labor at a reasonable rate.
You don't get what's fair out of life. You get what you negotiate out of life.
Personally I don't have any harsh will against your father or you for that matter in terms of unions. I don't think that teachers working for the government should be able to strike. And, that is the ultimate power of a union. Sadly most airlines have given this up as part of their contract.
Unions are a fact of life. Like/Love/Loathe its up to you. If I was looking for work right now in this economy I'd pick NetJets and its union over the other choices.
But, hey that is just me.
I love it when guys call unions communistic. Here are some countries that NEVER allowed labor unions: Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Spain, every eastern European country in the Warsaw Pact, Castro's Cuba, North Korea and Communist China to this day. There are more. They all have in common communism or fascism.
Unions are in fact a FEATURE of a modern capitalist economic system.