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To all mesa pilots

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From: "Ornstein, Jonathan" <jonathan.ornstein@m...>
Date: Thu Nov 7, 2002 10:23 am
Subject: RE: Are rumors true?
If aircraft are sublet there will be furloughs. Without J4J we may well end up "long aircraft.". The sublet aircraft may well go to another USAIRWAYS

> -----Original Message-----
> From: flytilludrop [SMTP:capt1857@w...]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 3:19 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Are rumors true?
> --- In freemesaairlinesforum@y..., "dizzymesa" <dizzymesa@y...> wrote:
> > Is there any truth to the rumor that Mesa employees may be
> furloughed in order to make room for mainline pilots in the JFJ deal? I've heard that the 700's will replace the 200's in Phoenix, with the 200's being used to start the JFJ deal back east. Don't we still hold options on ERJ's? I feel sorry for the overpaid mainline guys on furlough, but I'm not about to passively surrender my job to make room for them at Mesa. Please tell me this rumor is unfounded.

"There will not be any JFJ's deal (at least with our pilots) until there is a contract signed & Freedom goes away, period. The 200's were to be used in that arena but they will probably be sublet out to another carrier as Freedom grows and the CRJ-200 fleet shrinks. Look out for crew reductions/furloughs/layoffs if that happens. Have a nice day."
PDTGIMP, we still have over 2 years on our leases. I have some friends at PDT and i am real sad to hear you are closing the JAX base...I try to stay optimisic but it is getting hard.....
Hey Kirby,

I know you guys are Teamsters, and I didn't mean to pick on CHQ-in fact this goes for any airline-if say my company, Piedmont, struck I believe U can just replace our flying with ALG, PSA, CHQ or Mesa and the other airline simply flies "our" routes and the company isn't disrupted as much given the numerous numbers of airlines flying overlapping routes. I believe that this is the intention of various management teams in the airline industry, as is evident with Delta Connection right now.

It's scary to see this, even though I have a distaste for ALPA, we're losing needed clout and will lose out in the end unless we all get together and do something.


J.O. is screwing y'all at Mesa, and I have a new found respect for you guys-it seems we're all in one HUGE mess and the only winners are management and maybe some mainline pilots.
1. Didn't each of the W.O's sign up for J4J?
2. Given the W.O's open hatred towards Mesa over the years, I doubt you'll get much sympathy from us.
3. If we Mesa pilots are willing to do anything to just get a little more flying, why didn't we agree to fly the CRJ700s for what management offered? We are fighting very hard for what we are, and have been due.
4. We are currently in contract negotiations for an industry average contract, including scope to take care of freedom. So take your shots now, you don't have much time left.

No lust here for J4J....

Bottom line is that we are in Section 6 (fo 1900FO that means we are negotiating a new contract) JO appears to have pulled out all the stops to keep ANY real improvements from happening here. He is pathological in his greed and contempt for working folks. I have seen some of the worst in airline management and all the drama that surrounds it, but never have I seen such a concerted effort to screw people who will not bend to one individuals (JO's) twisted will. I am warning everyone here that if he succeeds in breaking us, others close to his way of thinking will take it as open season on ALPA or any other union operation.
........And 1900DFO, you are still clueless, I could give a rats a$$ about the "mesa" name and precious few line pilots could as well.. I do care that the people who have been told to " hold on, a better tomorrow is around the corner" are getting screwed. As for your drivel on "accepting substandards to fly jets" is just another confirming example of how clueless about these things you really are. . Adjustments to pay rates and work rules are done in Section 6, junior, but seasoned old veteren like yourself probably already knows that. I have been in 4 unions; a ramper, a fueler, I dumped lavs, load planner and A&P'd for 2 majors. Furloughed twice, job eliminated once, had one carrier shut down(PAA) and don't suffer novice fools easily.......
CHQ management floated the idea to the CHQ pilots of picking up Comair flying during their strike. I don't think they will make that mistake again. CHQ has not and will not fly struck work; then, now, or ever.

The insinuation is offensive.
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A different way to look at this is if Mesa or another contract carrier doesn't help U get some RJ's NOW, U might not make it and you all will be in the street. U needs to get the revenue up now to have any chance at getting the Gov. loan and without that loan, it's over. Mesa has the Rj's and can have them running for U in a matter of weeks. This might be a short term hit for the WO's but it may be a hit that has to happen for there to be any chance at a future. For both U and the WO's. Just something to think about. -Bean
JO's mantra is "Low wages and terrible work rules makes us more profitable which guarantees job security.......for someone else."

In this case Freedom.

Real cool to see 11 year 1900D captains I fly with making 36.00$ per hour (plus 1$ per diem) while they hire guys off the street to make 55.00.

The mesa pilot group is not stupid, as 96% of them figured out Freedom was immoral and just plain wrong and held the line..But short of Hitler or Lorenzo there is no one else that is more calculating and hell-bent on destruction than JO. I just hope we can bring a "job action" against him before Freedom takes off and god help us then.

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