VeeOneRot8 Wrote
"So, now let's look at your situation. You have become EXTREMELY blessed to be in the pool at SWA. There are thousands of UA, AA and DAL pilots who would love to be in your position. As a fellow poolie, I am excited about getting a class date in the future, but be careful not to let excitement turn into frustration. Our time will come...and sooner than we thought, it appears! "
For your information getting a job with SWA is not simply a blessing from the Almighty. Four years of college, 18 months of flight school, 15 total years in the Navy including several deployments, $8000 dollars for a type rating, $1000 for an ATP and the list goes on and on. I might be blessed as you say but it is more likely because of the hard work that I put into my Navy career and pursuit of the job at SWA that got me the job. As the saying goes "the more I practice the luckier I get"
....and a lot of other folks helping you along the way. None of us got where we are without some help from others. We've all worked hard, some more than others. Having put 20 years in the AF & thinking I'd "worked hard" & deserved my shot with SWA (with some humility) was my thought process. However, after listening to the "war stories" my fellow civilians had done to get to SWA sometimes made my 'work hard' stories sound rather lame. My was far more enjoyable than I think some others I have heard who have gotten to SWA & other majors.
the lesson is, we don't get where we are without a lot of help from others, nothing wrong in acknowledging that too. Pls don't take this as a slam OD, we're glad to have you at SWA but I know for myself I had tasted only a small part of the "aviation world" after being exposed to much more of it flying with SWA. cheers,
Good news for new hires. This explains why the aggressive buildup in hiring & more airplanes. Feel free to send private IM if you have any particular questions or if you need any help. Always glad to answer the mail.
I totally agree with you that it takes help from alot of different sources along the way, however to state that being in SWA pool is like "manna falling from the heavens" just got me bent out of shape.
Jakeair, you are just helping to make my point!
I know, I know, I am but a mere bottom dweller in the SWA pool of life, but I got a call from Jennifer today to say that my earliest class date would be May. Previously (December) it was April so it would appear I am moving backwards! To save you the effort, interview Aug 8th, type & pool Nov 19th.
The most disappointed are my kids - dad is still cooking for another 4-5 months. My repertoire (sp?) has expanded to scrambled eggs now.
Unemployment sucks. Thank goodness for my Navy pension! Oh, and the RC plane is coming along nicely too with all the spare time.
Jakeair is reinforcing my point as well. I am not going to compare everybody's sacrifices to get where they are...that would be counterproductive at best. Allow me to clarify my point: Virtually no one just walks in to a major airline job (especially these days). We all have worked very hard to get where we are. I don't think anyone with both oars in the water will debate that. So did all of those AA, UA, and DAL folks who are applying at the temp agencies right now. All things being generally equal, we are "fortunate" (if you want it put that way), plain and simple. I prefer the word "blessed" apologies if it affended you.
New to this site, and I've been lurking for a few days. I too am in the pool, bottom of the list! Interviewed in May but due to "military necessity" had to reschedule the September type rating to the end of the year. With a pool date of 9 Jan, JM told me to expect late May. Just wanted to say hey.
Thanks for all the good info.
I last spoke with Jennifer on the 10th. She said that the classes through the beginning of May were scheduled (I read that as filled). I told her I was available 15 Feb, so.... who knows. I'm hoping that the 26 spot classes keep coming!
When Jennifer says the classes are scheduled she does NOT mean filled. It looks like they wait until two to three weeks before the class date to actually schedule bodies to the classes.
I believe the main reason for this is they want to give the stop loss people an opportunity to get into the first class they are available for once released. When she says you are a May person, she is likely assuming that the Military guys/gals ahead of you will be released and available for class. By March her tune may very well change if the stop loss people are still tied up.
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