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The Skinny on the Age 60 Rule

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If there is such widespread support for retaining a retirement age of 60 why doesn't ALPA use that as bargaining leverage at contract time? Give the airlines an Age 60 retirement in exchange for some benefit to the junior guys. I mean since there is such uniform support...

Why hide behind the FAA and their rules? If you want to vote the old farts off the island, get the votes at your airline and do it.
Klako said:
I see the age 60 rule not only as pure age discrimination but it is also in a sense socialism, taking from those who have earned their seniority and giving it to those who do have not. What one earns does not belong to others. Pilots should expect to gain seniority not at the expense of others but as a result of their hard work, fortunes and success gained within the company they work for, i.e. expansion and natural attrition. We earn our profession and our seniority; it is in a sense our property. The state must not deprive anyone of life, liberty, or property, without due process. The FAA’s age 60 rule deprives qualified pilots of just that.

Well played Klako! Implying that only a Commie would want to keep the playing field even. I'm sure there's work for a spinmeister like you at Fox News when you retire, no worries.

Of course, using your logic, the guys being forced to retire now (you?) did NOT earn their seniority. They got it not from hard work, but at the expense of the guys before them that had to retire. So does that make you a socialist for accepting that job or upgrade? Every pilot alive has expected to gain seniority based on mandatory retirements, you included.

Also, like it or not, Congressional legislation is pretty much the definition of due process.
As a matter of fact........

Unless you refused to take a new hire or upgrade class date as a Moral stand against the fairness of the 60 rule, you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple. You can boo hoo about it all day long, but when you had the opportunity to put your money where your mouth is, you put the money in your pocket.
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71KILO said:
Flopgut: You are having difficulty staying with me my friend. I've never discussed my experience, you assumed and you know what that makes you and me. I have been around this industry long enough to say that NOTHING is a garuntee. My personal belief is that I am not owed anything and neither are you. You seem to feel you are owed everything, standard entitlement crowd. What I said was that if you don't move up based on skill and knowledge then all you have left is seniority. Don't take seniority away then. You want seniority to be capped for all eternity. I call foul! You want to be advanced based on time but then want to make sure people don't get too much time. You are speaking out of both side of your mouth like most liberal minded fools. Now on to the idea of a democratic vote. Sounds good to me as long as the result is lawful. You see we are not a democracy. We are a government of laws. No one is above the law, not even 51%. You want the law changed use your represenative. You want the law to stay the same, use your represenative. We are democratic republic and that's how it works. Sorry we had to go to civics 101. The law as it stands says retire at 60, I will be asking my rep to repeal that rule. I'm not willing to sit in the past because you have an ancient view. Look, the law will change sooner or later. I would prefer sooner just in case I can make it to 60+ and still have a marketable skill. What was the average life span of people 50 years ago? I know it wasn't close to 80 as it is now. Final statement: Flopgut get off the government socialized plan and think for yourself. I'm sure your mind will never change and mine wont either. Good luck in your career; hope you made good choices. I'd be happy to get your gear when your over 60.

I am having a hard time keeping up with you. The behavior you decry and most emphatically proclaim is not yours, is in fact, exactly what you are. Pretty standard character deficiency of the pseudo-conservative systemite crowd. You want government out of the decision...but NOT until after a 50 year old rule gets changed to your benefit. This IS a form of welfare. If you want this rule changed it either means you have not saved for yourself, or don't plan to. You want the government to intervene and create a welfare like device to help you.

ALPA has run a comprehensive survey on this issue. It would be nice to move on to other issues. In this low point we need to be discussing upside protection. Things like the UAL bond and stock protections should be our focus, not age 60! Age 65 is not an upside protection. Simply working longer is just that-working longer. We need to focus on monetary gains.
Quick question here guys - Does DAL have a provision for guys over 60 to continue flying or working past age 60? One of my fellow employees swears 100% his dad can continue past 60. My understanding is that nothing has changed currently but may in the future.

I did skim this thread but with 295 posts just asking is a lot easier - Thanks.

Going2Baja said:
Quick question here guys - Does DAL have a provision for guys over 60 to continue flying or working past age 60? One of my fellow employees swears 100% his dad can continue past 60. My understanding is that nothing has changed currently but may in the future.

I did skim this thread but with 295 posts just asking is a lot easier - Thanks.


They could work past retirement, but not past 60. It was a deal for early retirees so they could staff the airline. It had a lot of restrictions.
Our Union website has an upgrade projector that uses future hiring and aircraft aquisitions to forcast upgrade date.

I did the projector for both age 60 and 65 mandatory retirement. The difference... I would upgrade 1yr and 10months later with an age 65 retirement.

I would rather have 5 years of 200+ income at the end of my career and not have to support myself off my retirement for those years than to get an extra 80-100 a year for a yr and 10mnths.

Of course ideally I would upgrade to captain and then they would change the law but for me, I think it needs to be changed.
If there's one thing you can absoluely take to the bank in this industry, it's hiring and aircraft acquisition projections.

That and pilot contracts......Ten-year codeshare agreements........No-furlough clauses........Passengers will pay more for amenities...........Management will earn their pay by turning around the company...........

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