I have to say I'm not very impressed with your logic and a little hurt by your acccusations.
You know that ASA and Delta have no strike clauses. It would have been illegal for us to strike along side you or take any other job action against our company.
Ask the APA what can happen when you violate the RLA... didn't they get fined/sued for a total of $40mil? That worked out to about $40,000 per pilot. Ouch.
And with "Dubbya the Unionbuster" in the White house now, all bets are off.
At ASA, we sent checks, refused many flights that even REMOTELY resembled struck work and conducted "informational" picketing at our hubs. Many of our pilots even joined you on your picket line in CVG.
What more could we have done to support you?
We appreciated what you were doing as we still do.
If you heard a select few ASA pilots talking of taking advantage of your situation, I'm sure you know they don't represent the majority of us.
As for ASA pilots not wanting to jeopardize our jobs by conducting an illegal writup campaign or even a strike, you bet we weren't willing. It was your battle to fight, not ours. We supported you in every reasonable way, but we weren't on strike... you were.
If your neighbor set his house on fire in protest, whould you set yours on fire too? Or would you stand in the street and cheer him on?
I have to say I'm not very impressed with your logic and a little hurt by your acccusations.
You know that ASA and Delta have no strike clauses. It would have been illegal for us to strike along side you or take any other job action against our company.
Ask the APA what can happen when you violate the RLA... didn't they get fined/sued for a total of $40mil? That worked out to about $40,000 per pilot. Ouch.
And with "Dubbya the Unionbuster" in the White house now, all bets are off.
At ASA, we sent checks, refused many flights that even REMOTELY resembled struck work and conducted "informational" picketing at our hubs. Many of our pilots even joined you on your picket line in CVG.
What more could we have done to support you?
We appreciated what you were doing as we still do.
If you heard a select few ASA pilots talking of taking advantage of your situation, I'm sure you know they don't represent the majority of us.
As for ASA pilots not wanting to jeopardize our jobs by conducting an illegal writup campaign or even a strike, you bet we weren't willing. It was your battle to fight, not ours. We supported you in every reasonable way, but we weren't on strike... you were.
If your neighbor set his house on fire in protest, whould you set yours on fire too? Or would you stand in the street and cheer him on?