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Terrorists Almost strike Again.

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C-21Pilot said:
Does anyone know the demographics of the people arrested?

I can probably guess, but haven't seen any mention in the media.


British nationals, all of Pakistani origin... {MSNBC, about 30 minutes ago}
Indy refugee said:
How could you tell?? Did he wear traditional muslim garb? Did he face east every hour?

Guys, I'm as anti-PC as any of you. But, I also see the need to have a comprehensive security program. This means screening everyone. Lowering the screening based on some preconceived bias (ie prejudice, not the bad 1960s kind) will only allow a method for the bad guys to circumvent our security. IOW, look they don't check woman like they do men, well then give the device to your wife. How about the American Taliban? Would you have given him a pass at the checkpoint? He was a young white man from a relatively affluent American family. But his friends were Al Qaeda. Oh yeah, he was a muslim. We could have gotten him when he turned towards Mecca.

Ask any law enforcement agent...profiling works. It's not always based on race, either. Is it foolproof? Of course not. However, when you work with limited resources, you need to focus those resources on the MOST likely suspects. You can't discount others, obviously, but you SHOULD put emphasis on the people who are the primary perps at this point.

When Norwegian women begin strapping bombs to themselves, we can start strip searching leggy blondes, but until then let's focus on the Muslim male.

Of course not all Muslim males are terrorists...but lately the vast majority of terrorists and terror suspects have been Muslim males. Pointing this out is not racists, anti-muslim, jingoistic, or hate filled. Just truthful.
WOW, the new just reported that Pakistan's secret police led MI-5 to the suspects and is looking for more conpirators within Pakistan.

I'm glad one Muslim country is trying to help the good guys out.
Indy refugee said:
So if it's only one guy, it's ok to kill hundreds of people????

It's not about being PC. It's about being safe. Would it have mattered to you if your family was in the WTC vs. the Murrah building??? Would that have been any different? Does it matter if one nut with a rifle shoots you or a religious extremist with a bomb blows up your airplane? or abortion clinic? Are you any less dead?

Grow up. Where did I say "it's okay" to kill anyone? By your logic, the thug that knocks off the liquor store and kills someone in the process is the exact same as Mohammed Atta. Did they both kill people? Yes. What was the difference? Motive. Acting in concert. Willingness to do it again on a mass scale.

Your attempts to be open-minded and sensitive to all the Muslims out there are noble, but naive. Someone acting on behalf of AQ, or Hezbollah, or Hamas, or JI, or any of the myriad groups out there driven by islamic fanaticism IS different than the random nutjob out there, and the means of dealing with each SHOULD be different.
We could make the Muslims wear little pieces of Flair like a yellow crecent on thier chest.

Just Kidding.

I don't know the answer any more than any body else, but I think we need to stop thinking of this as a religious issue, and treat the mad mullahs and extremest mosques as politcally treasonous entities rather than a manifestiation of religious freedom. Like we do with abortion clinic bombers.
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MAGNUM!! said:
... When Norwegian women begin strapping bombs to themselves, we can start strip searching leggy blondes, but until then let's focus on the Muslim male. ...
Dream on, MAG. :rolleyes:

Seriously. There is a growing population of young Muslim women involved in suicide bombings and other terrorism. I have no doubt the Brits have adjusted their profiles accordingly.

I'm thinking we should contract with the Brits for our Homeland Security needs -- just like we do for air traffic control services, container port management, oil production facility operation, and so on.
WHOA HERE FOLKS!!!! Let's get back to the whole strip searching "leggy blondes" thing...screw the Muslim talk, blondes are more important!!!!!!!!
MAGNUM!! said:
Grow up. Where did I say "it's okay" to kill anyone? By your logic, the thug that knocks off the liquor store and kills someone in the process is the exact same as Mohammed Atta. Did they both kill people? Yes. What was the difference? Motive. Acting in concert. Willingness to do it again on a mass scale.

Your attempts to be open-minded and sensitive to all the Muslims out there are noble, but naive. Someone acting on behalf of AQ, or Hezbollah, or Hamas, or JI, or any of the myriad groups out there driven by islamic fanaticism IS different than the random nutjob out there, and the means of dealing with each SHOULD be different.

Again, I'm not trying to be open minded. If killing all the Muslim males from 17-40 would make us safe then off with their heads. But it won't.

As for moral equivalents, Tim McVeigh and Mohammed Atta are exactly the same!! And you can throw in the Unibomber and Eric Rudolph. BTW, philisophically I believe abortion is wrong and the federal government is overreaching in it's power, but McVeigh and Rudolph are still terrorists.
INDY, If you read a little instead of just stating things without really knowing anything about them, you would of informed!!!!!!!!!!!!! yourself about how MR. MOHAMED (THE SNIPER) had vowed to kill infidels and/or AMERICANS because of the RELIGIOUS thing for many years, HE PREACHED HATRED AND THE DISTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OF US. This is an American that converted to ISLAM as an adult, he was not born a Muslim, imagine how this people that are thought this hatred from birth just despise us. This people have only one way of resolving anything. They have always just killed anyone that does not agree with them, they have done this for thousands of years and not you, me or anyone and I mean anyone else is going to change that in them. The way I see it (and it is really sad) they will destroy anything and anyone no matter how many people get hurt or killed in the name of their religion. UBA757
81Horse said:
Dream on, MAG. :rolleyes:

Seriously. There is a growing population of young Muslim women involved in suicide bombings and other terrorism.

And from what I've read, the women are more dangerous than the men. We all know a woman is wired a bit different than a man. I read an article on terrorism in Isreal years ago talking about female bombers. It said that if you intercept a male prior to detenation, you might be able to reason with him to stop. If you catch a female prior to detenation, you'd better shoot her dead because she WILL blow herself up.

And as an added side note on censorship in America: A couple years ago, a suicide bomber was shot dead in an Israeli market by armed forces. Thats what was reported in America. The truth.... the armed force was a young Israeli mother who pulled out her sidearm to stop the bomber.

Just goes to show that a well trained woman will not hesitate. (Let the jokes begin)

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