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Terrorists Almost strike Again.

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big_al said:
lets see, I guess muslim hate is the new "in" thing. blacks, then asians, then hispanics, and now ANY muslim! Hate is fun!

I think you should hop a flight to Iran and teach them some tolerance, because I agree hate is wrong. Be sure to drop us a post to let us know how it is working out.
big_al said:
lets see, I guess muslim hate is the new "in" thing. blacks, then asians, then hispanics, and now ANY muslim! Hate is fun!

Dunno about muslims, blacks, asians and hispanics, but I hate the packaging they use for CDs and DVDs! If any one of those ethnic groups are responsible for inventing that packaging then I hate them too. I will give the leggy blondes a pass though.
J32driver said:
The truth.... the armed force was a young Israeli mother who pulled out her sidearm to stop the bomber.

Just goes to show that a well trained woman will not hesitate. (Let the jokes begin)

Heyas J32,

I have a female friend of mine who was in the Israeli military. She is, without a doubt, the most level headed, astute, rational female that I have ever met in my life. I don't have a single doubt in my mind that if and when her moment of truth comes, she would shoot to kill without hesitation. She striped, cleaned and reassembled my handgun in about 30 seconds. I'd marry her in a heartbeat if she'd have me.

Right now she's waiting for a recall order back into the military.

As far as the Brits...any British citizen I come across has a free round of beer from me because you stick by your allies good times and bad, and you don't run for cover because someone said "boo". We can argue about the Iraq war till the cows come home, BUT, the Brits were there right with us the whole time. They are a stand up people, and that counts for everything with me.

Oh, yea, and they brought us Monty Python and Benny Hill. What else is there to know?

NuGuy said:
Heyas J32,

I have a female friend of mine who was in the Israeli military. She is, without a doubt, the most level headed, astute, rational female that I have ever met in my life. I don't have a single doubt in my mind that if and when her moment of truth comes, she would shoot to kill without hesitation. She striped, cleaned and reassembled my handgun in about 30 seconds. I'd marry her in a heartbeat if she'd have me.

Nu: Maybe if it took longer than 30 seconds to "finish" your gun she would marry you!

Sorry, just had to say it.

big_al said:
lets see, I guess muslim hate is the new "in" thing. blacks, then asians, then hispanics, and now ANY muslim! Hate is fun!

So pointing out that that there is a certain population with quite a few radicals (who really DO hate, by the way) means you hate that population? I guess everyone who points out that the KKK is a bunch of violence-prone lunatics hates all white people. Get a grip.
Falconjet said:
Nu: Maybe if it took longer than 30 seconds to "finish" your gun she would marry you!

Sorry, just had to say it.


LOL, that's always been my problem. It takes me a lot longer by myself than when she helps me!:laugh:

Indy refugee said:
How could you tell?? Did he wear traditional muslim garb? Did he face east every hour?

Guys, I'm as anti-PC as any of you. But, I also see the need to have a comprehensive security program. This means screening everyone. Lowering the screening based on some preconceived bias (ie prejudice, not the bad 1960s kind) will only allow a method for the bad guys to circumvent our security. IOW, look they don't check woman like they do men, well then give the device to your wife. How about the American Taliban? Would you have given him a pass at the checkpoint? He was a young white man from a relatively affluent American family. But his friends were Al Qaeda. Oh yeah, he was a muslim. We could have gotten him when he turned towards Mecca.

Well we can start by placing the Muslims on the TOP OF THE LIST.

How is it that NOT ONE Muslim American, stands up and speaks out against the radicals.


MAGNUM!! said:
So pointing out that that there is a certain population with quite a few radicals (who really DO hate, by the way) means you hate that population? I guess everyone who points out that the KKK is a bunch of violence-prone lunatics hates all white people. Get a grip.

your "comparison" would only make sense if you would agree that the KKK represented the white population like you believe jihadist represent the muslims
AC560 said:
I think you should hop a flight to Iran and teach them some tolerance, because I agree hate is wrong. Be sure to drop us a post to let us know how it is working out.

why Iran? Just hop a plane to the deep south as a black man to find more than enough hate.
Just a thought. But this comes as the election season is heating up and cheaney and the rest of the ChickenHawk boys are looking a little rough around the edges. Now all Pakastanis'? Delivered by our old pal Musharriff, dictator at large. Who of course counts on bush and co-herts for support. It might be exactly as it seems but these days I don't take anything for granted.

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