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Tale from Go Jet jumpseat!

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fuelflow said:
Our union leadership said that nobody has been fired over the jumpseat fiasco. More bad information I guess. They also said the name-calling incident was unrelated to GJ, and I have to seriously doubt that someone was fired for name-calling, even at TSA. I'd bet there's more to that story.

Let's not get worked up about subjects for which we only have partial stories.

WHICH Union are you talking about?!!!! G j doesn't HAVE one tool.

The person you are referring to in the "jumpseat" fiasco was SUSPENDED and when the company (TSA) knew they did not have a leg to stand on they let him go back to work.

The other issue about name calling was ABOUT a G j PILOT sitting in the back......I believe THAT is what most would call "related".
theo said:
The issue. I believe, is some misguided pilots on here advocate withholding Go J et pilots a jumpseat yet feel like it is ok to then turn around and ride the JS on Go J et flights. That sort of makes them a hypocrite doesnt it? It also leads to the potential for a jumpseat war. If you are a guy who needs Go J et to get to work than your fellow pilots may very well be setting the stage for you to be refused by a Go J et crew who wants to pay back a refusal he may have encountered. That is not what any of us need or want.

Out of one side of your mouth you say you despise the GJ pilot group and out of the other side you say it's hypocritical to want to use them for a ride if you're not willing to give them one in return! Wow. I guess you're entitled to your opinion, but to me the more logical thought is to take them for everything they're worth and don't reciprocate. Hypocritical? If you think so. Why do you care what they think? Fu*k 'em. If they don't want to give you a ride, that's their perogative. However, you'd be silly not to try and hurt yourself just as a matter of misplaced pride.
DirkkDiggler said:
Wow. I guess you're entitled to your opinion, but to me the more logical thought is to take them for everything they're worth and don't reciprocate. Hypocritical? If you think so. Why do you care what they think? Fu*k 'em. If they don't want to give you a ride, that's their perogative. However, you'd be silly not to try and hurt yourself just as a matter of misplaced pride.

That's the whole point, what will eventually happen is the GJ guys will start telling your guys to pound sand and no one is going to be able to get anywhere. From the sound of things, your company would probably show you the door for not being able to get to work. Reality would then match Hollywood and then you, Dirk Diggler, will then be out on the street selling your body. :eek:

But hey, if that's your idea of "logical," have at it...
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h25b said:
That's the whole point, what will eventually happen is the GJ guys will start telling your guys to pound sand and no one is going to be able to get anywhere. From the sound of things, your company would probably show you the door for not being able to get to work. Reality would then match Hollywood and then you, Dirk Diggler, will then be out on the street selling your body. :eek:

But hey, if that's your idea of "logical," have at it...

You're totally missing my point. You were saying that people should boycott jumpseating on GJ's. Is that what you meant, because now you're saying that they shouldn't use them because they might get denied? Which one is it? My argument is that boycotting the jumpseat on GJ's is ridiculous when you need the ride home. If they deny you. Then that is their choice. But as any commuter knows, you take every opportunity that presents itself to get home at the end of a trip.
DirkkDiggler said:
You're totally missing my point. You were saying that people should boycott jumpseating on GJ's. Is that what you meant, because now you're saying that they shouldn't use them because they might get denied? Which one is it? My argument is that boycotting the jumpseat on GJ's is ridiculous when you need the ride home. If they deny you. Then that is their choice. But as any commuter knows, you take every opportunity that presents itself to get home at the end of a trip.

No Dirk, you're missing mine...

You said and I quote,
DirkkDiggler said:
I guess you're entitled to your opinion, but to me the more logical thought is to take them for everything they're worth and don't reciprocate.

Don't you think the GJ guys will just start telling TSA jumpseaters to hit the road as well ??? I know I would... That's the whole point of reciprocal jumpseat agreements. You don't reciprocate, then expect to be denied yourself. Like I said, go ahead and try it out. In about a couple months someone will be on here whining about being left at the gate by a GJ crew.

So by your logic it makes perfect sense to whittle down the number of opportunities to get home for your fellow TSA pilots. You surely can't be that ignorant. Can you ???
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You are correct and I missread your post. If you deny them a seat, surely they will deny you one in return. I understand that. However, someone on here was making the point that they would not under any circumstance ride the GJ jumpseat, as if to make a point and in some way, hurt GJ's. My argument was simply that they'd only be hurting themselves by not jumpseating on GJ's if that was the first ride they could find. I personally stay out of the GJ's jumpseat wars because that's not how I play my game. These GJ guys will find out how poor their decision was the next time they're sitting in front of an interview board with their GJ resume.
Shrek said:
WHICH Union are you talking about?!!!! G j doesn't HAVE one tool.

Which union am I talking about? Are you still in denial? We have one that represents us far better than the clueless fellows running your outfit. Just look at their track record. Our guys called the outcome of this whole thing before it even started. Are you hoping the NMB will change that? Even if they do, we'll still be separate with separate leadership.

And nobody was fired for denying a jumpseat, and I seriously doubt anyone was fired for calling someone a name. I stand by my statements.

I'm curious who your IBT EC leadership is, PM if you dont want to post names here. I'm also curious as to what current work rules and compensation GJ is working under (if they are different from the initial proposal to ALPA), and what the status of your CBA is with TSH.
There is no recognized union at G0Jet. It is not denial, it is fact. If and when a union, selected by management, is recognized on property, it certainly will do nothing to legitimize your alter ego group, nor will it decrease the damage that you have already knowingly and willingly caused to the Trans States pilots. You're a real class act.
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Don't you think the GJ guys will just start telling TSA jumpseaters to hit the road as well ??? !
I hope so, maybe they will get fired as well!
And nobody was fired for denying a jumpseat
O.K. you don't even work for TSA and you know that? You must be on the same floor, in the same office as some TSA management. Because it's a different company but share the same office space?
And please give us a link to anything that says you have a union, you have been caught in your double talk about g0 jet so many times that the only way we know your lying is when you post this crap.
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