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SWA tactics on the ramp and taxiways

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Falcon Jet 1 said:
We did on the -200, but all of the others are a max of 10 knots. I non revved out of the country on AA last week,my wife and I were treated like a king and queen. Wish we could do the same but all we have are peanuts and free adult beverages if you are on your way home. I did notice that pa before t/o and also I assume the fo pa taxiing into the gate area and thought what a bad time to talk to the folks. Hopefully that does change soon for you guys, and again many thanks to the class act employees that made our trip even more enjoyable.

Thankfully, the FO PA arriving at the gate has changed. Now all we have to say is "F/As prepare for arrival and crosscheck", but only once the aircraft has come to a stop.

It's still stupid that we have to say even that PA, since at every other airline that is an F/A PA. But at least we aren't giving it anymore with the aircraft still moving close to the gate. One small step towards a safer operation....

As for the captain's "prepare for T/O PA"... I still fly with a bunch that start yapping away about route of flight, welcome aboard, departure direction, etc.... all this while taxiing! Total violation of sterile.
Instead you launch off at individuals. Nice way to cross the line. Don't be so defensive...it makes you sound like a JetBlue guy.


Ty Webb.

That has to be the most reckless,unprofessional, un-supported rant ive ever seen.

I have never seen nor even heard of anyone here playing such games.

I have however seen many cases of what you accuse us of on the part of other folks.
Most cases we just laugh at such childish rants or actions.

We at SWA are not into making "statements" or trying to "push" the buttons of either the traveling public nor our fellow aviators.

Our record and reputation speaks for itself.

Yours however is now a little less than before.

Such a comment is beneath even you..
Yeah, take that!
That "fast taxi" rumor is another myth that has been going on for ever, and threads like this just keep it alive. "Yea, I saw Southwest doing 90kts downhill in the snow on taxiway Lima with one engine at Fargo". Time to put a stop to the myth guys. And while you are all at it please stop the industry myth that we have the biggest units, your F/A's keep calling our rooms on the overnights. On second thought, keep that one going.
ty = douchebag

get a life idiot.....don't have a clue do you?
Being Cut-off

I have seen Delta on several ocassions intentionally cut us off by taxing before they call for taxi even though we had received our clearance to the runway. The Prima Donna's at Delta love blaming others for their problems.
Ty no longer knows what he is talking about. Maybe that witness protection program is getting to him?
3 Months ago in BWI we were told by ground control that our sequence was the A320 (I think a Cactus, but I can't remember) and to follow them to 15R. As we approached a merge in two taxiways we saw two SW jets waiting for the A320 and us to go by. As the 320 passed in front of them the first 737 "gunned" the power and cut us off. We slammed the breaks on, throwing our FA's against some seats as they did their demos. As we started to taxi again, the second SW jet did the same thing. We questioned ground (who had given everyone their sequence) and after a LONG pause, the controller came back and said "Oh, I guess they changed the sequence". "They" must have been that other controlling agency who gives contradictary clearances from the actual ATC controllers. This was a dangerous maneuver which could have resulted in injuries to our flight attendants and/or a collision. Yes, this kind of thing does happen.

Now, I don't think this is something SW tells their pilots to do to gain a couple minutes in the departure line. Rather, I think a couple of "cowboy" captains decided on their own that they were tired of waiting for some sequence they didn't understand. (I wish I knew why ATC does everything they do). Every airline has its "cowboy" captains. So to say this doesn't happen is ignorant. I just don't think it is a conspiracy by an airline. 99% of the pilots flying are phenomenal. Unfortunately, the 1% sometimes ruin it for the rest.

Lesson learned. Some SWA guys may be dangerous. When near a SWA aircraft, slow down, give the right away unless ground dictates otherwise. Better for you to come to a complete stop, rather than risk your life. Never assume that you are to be sequenced in front of a Southwest aircraft, to do so would be foolish on your part. Follow this and there will be no more problems.

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