Wait. I thought SWApA wanted LC eliminated. The LC restrictions in this contract were touted as one of the many SWApA "gains" that our crack "negotiators" were able to wrest from the clutches of the company. No wonder the current " negotiations'" are taking so long. GK is still reeling from the shellacking we gave him last time!
Actually, you're mistaken. SWAPA did not want the lance captain program eliminated, and they most certainly did not "tout" lance restrictions as a "gain" in the last contract. What happened was that they bargained to keep the program (as the pilots wanted), while the company wanted it gone immediately and in its entirety. What we got was a compromise, which reportedly was as far as the company would go. And I assume that we got a little something, for giving the company a partial gain that they wanted. The fact is, that if the union wanted the program gone, it would have been gone, since the company has wanted it gone for a long, long time.
And I realize you're one of those guys who hates the union, for whatever reason you have (did you run for office and get beaten or something?). I also realize that no matter who's in power, and no matter what they do or accomplish, you'll still bitch about it. And that nothing they do will ever be considered good, or even adequate, in your eyes. There's a few guys like that on this and other boards.
But perhaps you'd be taken a little more seriously, if you didn't do such childish things as referring to the union as "SWApA" instead of SWAPA. When moderates see posts containing obvious smartass exaggerations like yours, and the union referred to as "SWApA" or "SNAPA," instead of by its real name, they realize that they're reading the thoughts of an extremist anti-anything-SWAPA guy, and they can safely be ignored.
You might want to consider that. Assuming, of course, that you want to be taken seriously, that is.