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SWA f/o arrested for intoxication

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satpak77 said:
"no bail"


so he has been sitting in jail since the arrest....

kinda BS if you ask me

From what I understand that's fairly standard if you are locked up on a Sunday. Gotta wait until Monday morning for the judge to come to work and preside over your arraignment. Longer, if it's a holiday weekend.

Federal Aviation Administration screening technicians

So that is their "official" title? I once dated a Nail "Technician".

I was right there with you at first.....then you kind of lost me. The bottom line is just DON"T DO IT!! Pretty simple actually. If there is no doubt then there is no reason NOT to be cordial to a fellow human being trying to do their job and who knows maybe get a little atta boy while at it.
Blucher said:
From what I understand that's fairly standard if you are locked up on a Sunday. Gotta wait until Monday morning for the judge to come to work and preside over your arraignment. Longer, if it's a holiday weekend.


you are right. It is 7 AM and my brain is still waking up. Saw the article and immediately got mad over it.
satpak77 said:
"no bail"


so he has been sitting in jail since the arrest....

kinda BS if you ask me

Hi folks,

Just thought I'd chime in.

If this fellow pilot is not found guilty, and was not illegally intoxicated,.....I hope that he sues the sh#t out of the media, TSA and any other venue that tried to sensationalize this situation.

Maybe that would put an end to the specticle made out of these situations.

Even if he's guilty,... how many doctors, surgeons, lawmakers and others inflicted with the disease of alcholism are dragged through the media.

Its just not right.
I have a couple of problems with the "process" by which many of our brethren are being snagged (in addition to having a problem with some of our brethren who are showing up to work snookered).

If the TSA bloodhounds smell something they don't like, they should take the guy aside right then and there. They shouldn't be allowed to wait until he "boards an aircraft." The way they do it now...tailing the pilot to see what he's gonna do and snagging him when he turns left at the bottom of the jetbridge...is utter crap.

And I think Gorilla is spot-on. The TSA never gets anything but a tight-lipped smile from me, if that. And I'm not even a drinker, so I've got even LESS to worry about! Its getting to the point now that these vigilante sons-of-beeeyatches are more of a danger to our jobs than checkrides and physicals.

We're all crewmembers. The guys we fly with are most-often not just coworkers but friends. I know it sounds cheesy as heck, but let's start being each-other's wing-men when it comes to crap like this!! Have the balls to pull your coworkers to the side and TELL them they're stinkin'!!
Skybus said:
there is no reason NOT to be cordial to a fellow human being trying to do their job and who knows maybe get a little atta boy while at it.
I'm guessing you don't pass through many different TSA checkpoints? This is not about somebody just "trying to do their job". Most have a clear agenda toward pilots. They are not required to screen my breath and I am not required to be "cordial" to someone who in many cases is faking their congeniality in hopes to get a sniff of my gullet. I'm not buying a paper from the guy at the corner newstand here, I'm passing through their tiny little piece of authority and most never let you forget it. I'd say my smile and a nod is good enough to pass for being "cordial" regardless of whether I had a beer with dinner or not the previous night.

Yep, I agree, they should just take him aside out of public view. No reason to track him to the airplane. Figure out what's going on immediately.

Is TSA a pain? Sure. But do you think it's worth a couple of false alarms to find somebody who really is drunk? You betcha. I would rather TSA not be afraid to question somebody then to just let everyone through because they're wearing a badge. I KNOW that after reading this news report everyone will think twice before having that late night drink vice if this guy hadn't got caught, or if TSA were not Nazis. It is, after all, about public safety.

Lowcure is right (did I just say that?). IF the guy is guilty then get him some help because he needs it if he made this kind of decision. We've all been stupid, but come on. I would hope we at least grow out of the peer pressure mindset of needing to drink past our limits, especially when we have a family to think about.

Be safe and party smart!
Gorilla said:
DON'T drink before flying (duh). Don't even slightly push it. And DON'T chat with the TSA. They are trained, and told to look for, intoxicated pilots.

I chat with the TSA guys all the time. Of course, I'm never hung over....or even slightily intoxicated. And thats because I always stick to my 12-13 beer limit on layovers.

I heard the TSA "nail technicians" get a bonus if they snag a drunk pilot. Anyone know?

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