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SWA f/o arrested for intoxication

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DH2WN said:
The police pulled him off the flight and made him blow. If he was clean then there would be no story. Fact is he is in jail now for blowing over the limit.

Doubt he is wrongly accused.

FBI agents and officials from the Federal Aviation Administration joined the questioning, and Fulton was given two breath tests before his arrest, Kiernan said.

That kind of caught my attention too. We've all had a good night (or two) out and sometimes the next morning my wife will joke how she can still smell the alcohol on me. Have I had a drink in 8 hours? No. Am I sober? Yes. Am I hung over? Maybe a little. Am I alright to fly? Heck No, I'm calling in sick. I'd much rather take the heat from ACP than the FAA.

It's just not worth it.
PurpleTail said:
Am I alright to fly? Heck No, I'm calling in sick. I'd much rather take the heat from ACP than the FAA.

It's just not worth it.
Okay, same story and you are in Singapore halfway through a 10-day trip and you spent a little too much time with your captain at the "Four Floors". Still calling in sick? Be honest.

I agree that if you screw up and misjudge your consumption to the point that you still feel the effects somewhat the next day that it's just best to push the "sick button", but let's face it, There are going to be guys out there who are too scared to call in sick in the middle of a trip and try to tough it out. I'm not saying it's right. I am saying there are a LOT of you who have been there/done that (and say 'I'll never do THAT again').
AA717driver said:
LC--I have reserved judgement on many controversial posts you have made. I am requesting that you delete your post on this topic. NO!

To trust the judgement of a TSA screener is specious at best and the cops will hold someone suspected of being intoxicated until the tox screen comes back--a night in jail is not a conviction. Obviously, it's more than a TSA screener, he blew over .04 twice.

At the very least, this gentleman has serious judgement problems to put himself in this position. If you are arrested, you are subject to the full scrutiny of the press and the embarrassment that unfortunately comes along with it.

Could he have just been partying with friends or fellow crew members for this night only? Sure, and it will be a mistake that he will regret the rest of his life. If it's more than that, I hope he gets the help he needs, as I have had personal experience in dealing with family related alcoholism where denial is the hardest mountain to climb.
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Nanny State!
DON'T drink before flying (duh). Don't even slightly push it. And DON'T chat with the TSA. They are trained, and told to look for, intoxicated pilots. They aren't your buddies. When they say "Have a GRRRREAAAAT day!" like some Tony The Tiger clone, you are under no oblication to utter one syllable to them.
737 Pylt said:
Why does this continue to happen?? 737

If he was above the limit, then I would say that people do unbelievably stupid things. Like the general population, some airline pilots are alcoholics, drug users, rapists, criminals, pedophiles, wife beaters, child abusers, murderers and idiots. Sounds like the Kennedy family. :confused:
Gorilla said:
DON'T drink before flying (duh). Don't even slightly push it. And DON'T chat with the TSA. They are trained, and told to look for, intoxicated pilots. They aren't your buddies. When they say "Have a GRRRREAAAAT day!" like some Tony The Tiger clone, you are under no oblication to utter one syllable to them.

Gorilla -- you got it. I look at them with a blank stare, no hellos no how ya doin, nothing. I refuse to talk to TSA, which probably only makes them think jb pilots are rude, but I refuse to have one of those jagnuts point a finger at me for gargling with mouthwash.
Hugh Jorgan said:
And all this time I thought it was a river in Egypt...

I thought "denial" was German for a "whale's vagina."

Pretty funny, Hugh.

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