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SWA/ATA codeshare ending?

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Thanks for making my point guys!

canyonblue & SWA/FO:

What part of "not a slam" did you not understand? A few points:

1. I'll bet my next paycheck I'm on no one's AB list. That's as lame a comment as the koolies and BOOBs telling us to quit SWA if we don't agree with them or have constructive criticism of SWAPA.
2. I've been a participating member on this board since 1999-2000 timeframe. Don't be misled by someone's profile stats...it takes one minute to change your profile and user name.
3. I love anonymous boards like FlightInfo & PPRuNe. Anonymous doesn't mean folks can't throw BS flags or add insight into a discussion. Most SWA pilots are humble about their position in the industry. Other airline pilots reading arrogant remarks are naturally inclined to jumble all SWA pilots into that mold. The Hefner controversy is a perfect example.

I'll assume you agreed with the rest of my post. Did you get that far before you became all d*ck, balls, and no forehead?
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This is obviously a hot topic. It is with the SWA pilots I know.

The loyalty of pilots to their airline is always admirable. No matter what airline we work for, we will stand to the last day defending our company. Few, if any, other professions show this to this degree.


So you should know that if you single out any group on this forum that you will be an open target. So the criticism you received should be expected. No matter how you sugar coat the jab.

And in my opinion, if you are not on anyones avoidance bid then maybe your letting a few others run the ship. As well as there are difficult Captains, there are difficult First Officers. Some just not simply manageable. So those few need to be put in their place which is not enjoyable to do. I partly do this for the next guy that flies with them in the hope that maybe they might practice some restraint. If you do not do this then you are passing it on to me. Not doing your job in my opinion. And making my job more difficult. You are not an a$$hole by holding universally acceptable standards of ones behavior in the cockpit.

I do agree with much you said in your initial post.
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I have never had to be a prick yet to anyone. The essence of leadership is getting folks to do their job WITHOUT being an a**hole about it.

I typically use subtle humor to resolve potential problems of insubordination...it works great. Keeps you in control of the cockpit and keeps things from going in the wrong direction.

I also bring zero ego and anal retentiveness into the cockpit which might lead to those conflicts you reported experiencing.
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Dane Bramage said:

I have never had to be a prick yet to anyone. The essence of leadership is getting folks to do their job WITHOUT being an a**hole about it.

I typically use subtle humor to resolve potential problems of insubordination...try it sometime...it works great. Keeps you in control of the cockpit and keeps things from going in the wrong direction.

I also bring zero ego and anal retentiveness into the cockpit which might lead to those conflicts you reported experiencing. Try that also.

Is it just me or did that last post seem rather contradictory.

Subtle humor does not make one aware of the difficuty. It just deflects the situation for the short term. Thanks again for holding such narrow standards.

Looks like I copied the unedited version of your post. Truly showing how you really feel.

How does it feel to think your better than most?

Zero ego and not at all anal retentive. Keep telling yourself that. I thought you said you were a pilot?
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Deja Vu

TWA Pilot: You guys screwed us over!
AAL Pilot: If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have a job.
TWA Pilot: Don't talk to me on the bus.

ATA Pilot: You guys screwed us over!
SWA Pilot: If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have a job.
ATA Pilot: Don't talk to me on the bus.
I would have to agree with SWAdude on this one.

You can't be a comedian and expect someone to take you seriously.

You can't have some ego and anal retentiveness and be a decent pilot. Otherwise you would be uncertain and undisciplined.

If you are covering up the insubordination with making sure they like you, then you too are passing on the problem to me. And I say shame on you.

Confrontation is not a bad thing. As long as you are mature, direct and respectful with your criticism.
News Flash........ Not everyone wants to work for SWA! ATA was a great place to work before the call to Jihad. I'm afraid the wheels started coming off when John Tague wanted to have shiny new equipment and get away from the charter market. It's too bad all the bad blood has to start as any of you at SWA could be in the same shoes someday.

News Flash - I didn't say everyone wanted to work for SWA. Just that Capt. Mega DID want to, maybe along time ago but the fact is she did. She claims to be over it, I doubt that very much - she hangs out on SWA theme threads all the time.

Southwest Airlines did what they said they were going to do. SWA did not mislead anybody. "WE WANT THE GATES". Gary Kelly even said "its all about the gates" That seeems fairly clear to me. I happen to admire people that are straight shooters. Thats what we are here at Southwest straight shooters. Now some of yall can't take that. I still haven't gotten an answer to my question - Name 1 company that wants to help the other guy?

Brain Damage - Don't feel bad, nobody on this forum ever gets my humor.

SWA/FO - :pimp:

First of all, I agree with most of your last post regarding what Kelly said and did. Kelly has not been 100% upfront and here is where many ATA employees doubt his intentions. Kelly says that all he wants are the gates and SWA has absolutely no involvement with ATA's management or direction.

I believe he is not telling the complete truth. The truth, as I see it, is Kelly wanted the gates alright but he also wanted to control the gates he didn't get. He controlled those other gates ATA had by telling us where we could not fly via his implant named John Denisons. Everyday you work at ATA you see Kelly's fingerprints all over everything. Is this a bad thing? I don't know, that's the problem, no one really knows what SWA's intentions are with ATA. SWA says they have nothing to do with the planning at ATA yet I've been told that our investor Matlin Patterson met primarily with SWA before they decided to invest.

I am not saying SWA has bad intentions but like you said SWA isn't in the business of helping other airlines and there is much that doesn't add up. This could be a great deal for SWA and ATA employees but at this point the only thing most ATA employees sees is furloughs and shrinkage while SWA takes advantage of our shrinkage and saying they have nothing to do with our woes.

I don't blame SWA for our problems, just anxious to see what SWA's true intentions are. It isn't just the gates, that's old news.
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