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SWA-AAI Going Rogue

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Actually, when I first joined Flightinfo, in 1996, it was to learn more about our industry and to voice my frustration at the regionals that were charging pilots for required training, and scumbag outfits like Gulfstream that were charging pilots for the "privilege" of serving as a required crew member.

So, no dice there, Sporto.

And, yes, after flying Captain on the 737 for the past 6 years, I do kinda like it, just a little. Not a crime. ;)

Just giving tough luv.LOL Question though? How many of those 2000 hour wonder GA guy's do you have? My buddy over there said it is about 200 +.
Just giving tough luv.LOL Question though? How many of those 2000 hour wonder GA guy's do you have? My buddy over there said it is about 200 +.

More importantly, how many of the 1500 hour wonder F-Teeners are they gonna bring to the table? :eek:;)
I'll refrain on predicting the outcome of any SLI in terms of who benefits more or less but will offer an opinion that the final outcome will look different than other SLI agreements and from what has been described on this forum in terms of predictions (shocking I know considering there have been so many suggestions).

There are unseen influences/factors that none of us are aware of that will impact each team's decision making process in developing their positions on their "preferred version" of an SLI. Continued pressure/influence from both AAI and SWA pilots on the "process" continue to shape opening positions and will impact subsequent follow on positions for weeks and months to come. That further negates "forum experts" opinions or predictions.

In terms of SWAPA, I believe there are many competent persons, both inside SWAPA and outside, who will have combined the most creative solutions to make the most convincing case to the AAI M&A team that will result in a "fair and equitable" solution for both groups.

No arbitrator is my prediction but a final vote.

I'll even go out on a limb and predict (you heard it here first), 75% approval rate by AAI pilots and 60-65% approval rate by SWAPA pilots.

That will bring out calls for my Clear Skies admission but it is too late, already applied and rejected....too far gone!:smash:

Seriously, each of the M&A committees speak for their respective groups and I remain a supporter of that approach. I think its a fool's mission to assume anything is accomplished other than entertainment and burning up free time with posts on FI or any forum on this topic. It will have no consequence to the final outcome.

OBTW, it does allow GL to rack up more posts which we are happy to contribute to;)

To all readers of FI, I hope you and your loved ones have a Happy New Year and that 2011 is productive and healthy for you and your family.

Thanks to the moderators and owners of the forum for providing an outlet to express various levels of useful information and opinions.

I lost a friend recently and it brought home to me how precious life is; some of us reading this will not be around a year from now so please take the time to express your thoughts to those that mean the most to you or who have had the most influence....life is very precious. No doubt SLI is important and will impact us all; it is however small potatoes for those who have far larger challenges in life...perspective. Apologies for the diversion from topic.

Regardless of how it flows out, I look forward to flying with you all and hope you will enjoy SWA as much as I do.

Your a class guy, sorry for the loss of your friend. I look forward to jerking gear for you.

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