-John, with his Gender Studies 4 year degree, can check that 4 year college degree box and can either A) pursue a masters or even a Ph.D. and make himself more marketable, or B) fill a position at a company requiring a 4 year college degree (probably at the institute where they'll chop off Bruce Jenner's pecker). John can also become a cop or a fireman and make more than his peers without a college degree doing the exact same job. He will also be looked at more favorably for a management position since he has a college degree.Lets see John goes of to college and get a degree in Gender Studies from Bubblebee State, 60 credits for life experiences in both genders. Joe just finished high and decided to join the Navy and become a Nuclear Power Plant Operator, after six years he gets out and land a $100K job as a supervisor at a Nuclear Power Plant. I worked around these kids they were fantastic, so far superior to many college graduates I know. But Joe is a failure in your eyes and will never amount to anything and well John with his college degree is going to have fantastic career. Is that what you are telling me. What about the guy that drops out after two years of college joins the Army flies C-12 in VIP transportation and gets hired a NJ without a degree, he will never amount to anything compared to John. Sue went in the Army after High School worked in Tower then Approach and got out got a job in ATC, now works in Cleveland Center, making I bet over 100K+, but she also is a failure compared to John and his degree in Gender Studies.
-Joe, with his Nuclear Power Plant experience, may land a good job but he will never make it up the chain to a higher paying management position because of the lack of a 4 year degree.
-The college dropout warrant officer, C-12 pilot, though he/she is fully qualified to fly commercially, will not get hired by a major airline due to the lack of a college degree.
-Sue, ex-Army ATC, will/can work at Cleveland Center making over $100K and that job does not require a 4 year degree, by law. That is indeed a good deal, if one can get accepted and make it through the program.
Your arguments are based on emotions. The huge chip on your shoulder is weighing you down and you take this way too personally. I don't think that people without a college degree are failures and I never said that so again, don't put words in my mouth. The rules that we have to play by are not fair; I agree totally but it is what it is. Everybody has an excuse and an a$$hole. There are doers then there are talkers. We all have a choice to make, so what's your excuse?