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Southwest Pilots Aggressively Push Age 65

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Bake said:
Honestly I don't give a rat's ass what you guys think I should do for you or anyone else in this industry. When you were top of the pay scale getting your A plan B plan and c plan we were trudging along doing the best we could. SWA F/O and the rest of us will do the best we can for us with what we have. We will get the raises we deserve, invest our money where we see fit and not worry about you. Don't worry about us. If you want us to tow the line to make your benefits better you should find another rope. Bavarian, I couldn't care less what you guys over at JB make or what your retirment is. I know for a fact you benefits lag SWA's by a wide percentage.

You lost me. You asked me what they were at jb and I told you. AND, I said we had the same "retirement" benefits, just less. Your point?
Flopgut said:
Hey bud, don't flatter yourself. We don't care so much about "you", we care about what SWA pilots as a whole are up to. Your not doing your own thing by pushing for changes that affect all of us.

For arguement sake, please estimate how much a SWA pilot with 20-25 years has in retirement if they started in the mid 80s. If you wouldn't mind.
The ones that Ive flown with that have that seniority typically have 2-3million between 401k, ps, and stock options. Some more and some less, I guess it depends on toys and pu$$y demand
So let's add the Age 60 rule to ALPA's List of Accomplishments 2001-2006
1. NWA Concessions
2. DAL Concessions
3. US Concessions
4. UA Concessions
5. TSA Outsourcing
6. XJT Outsourcing
7. TW debacle
8. HP pre-concession
9. ASA quagmire
10. Age 60 repeal

Yep, they're a force to be reckoned with. That Duane Woerth ought get a performance bonus!
Bringupthebird said:
So let's add the Age 60 rule to ALPA's List of Accomplishments 2001-2006
1. NWA Concessions
2. DAL Concessions
3. US Concessions
4. UA Concessions
5. TSA Outsourcing
6. XJT Outsourcing
7. TW debacle
8. HP pre-concession
9. ASA quagmire
10. Age 60 repeal

Yep, they're a force to be reckoned with. That Duane Woerth ought get a performance bonus!

He's drawing the line at Mesaba, though. You gotta give him credit for that!

For arguement sake, please estimate how much a SWA pilot with 20-25 years has in retirement if they started in the mid 80s. If you wouldn't mind.

I've heard some guys retire with 8 million... A union guy I flew with told me I'd have 16 million if I work til 65 with 12% return. Unfortunately I don't remember the other figures. Probably around 9 million at age 60 with 12% return. Not sure, I believe that 100% but he did have a fancy computer program that spit out all this info.
SWA/FO said:
I've heard some guys retire with 8 million... A union guy I flew with told me I'd have 16 million if I work til 65 with 12% return. Unfortunately I don't remember the other figures. Probably around 9 million at age 60 with 12% return. Not sure, I believe that 100% but he did have a fancy computer program that spit out all this info.

GIGO. I heard the same sh!t at UAUA back in Y2K. I'm counting on karma taking care of you.
Thanks Falcon and SWA/FO for the honest estimate. My honest question is: If your going to have over 3 mil. why work?
[quote='LUVIN LIFE]It's not a matter of retirement packages, it's a matter of principle. Why should we let foreign pilots fly in our airspace up to 65 but we can't?[/quote]

Perhaps you should stop listening to the drivel of Rep Gibbons and actually read about whether or not foreign pilots over age 60 are allowed to operate 121 aircraft in US airspace. They cannot. They may be able to after 23 Nov 06, but it is highly likely that the FAA has published or will publish an exception to the ICAO age rule and enforces age 60 as the maximum that any pilot can operate under part 121 in the US. Foreign or domestic pilot.

On second thought, let's just throw out ALL age restrictions on retirement. I want everyone in favor of increasing the age limitations the opportunity to converse with a 70 year old FAA controller; perhaps be pulled from a burning building by a 75 year old firefighter. I see no reason why cops can't be on the job unitl they're 80+. I would especially like to have an Air Marshall on board my aircraft with a loaded weapon who's 65 years old. It's all just age discrimination, right? Let's open up that Pandora's box and find out what's inside.
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Not a bad idea Andy. Lets also bring back anybody who can still pass the physical and put em on the list where they left the list. Empty the nursing homes! Ol Bringingupthebird can go back to FO. In order to get the back pay right we can all get out our checkbook and refund the money we got when they left. How's that sound Bringupthebird? I can swing it, of course its a lot more money for you guys in the left seat. I think we'll find out that in the case of guys like you, it's a lot more about the timing of the rule change, not the rule.

Don't forget the interest!
I wouldn't take those honest estimates too seriously...they sound slightly to grossly over-estimated (especially if you're talking about a guy hired on in, say 1985)
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