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Southwest Line on Credit?

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It's called "The Golden Rule," some people may call it the "Meeting of the
Minds," or the "Spirit of the Agreement."

It only works when you are dealing with people with integrity and a
reputation to uphold.

Southwest has shown their lack of integrity, and their reputation is forever tarnished.

Enjoy the ride down!

Your reputation sucks!

You have demonstrated a lack of integrity and without that you are

Sorry Herb, that you had to witness this.

P.S. Southwest apps are now on file at Delta, USAir, United, American and even Spirit Airlines.

Really? You're going to work for Spirit now? Good luck! (and I mean that sincerely...)

Quote from waaahflyer:
"And what about our pilots who lose their base when senior AT pilots move in base? I got guys in my class being force based all over the east -"

I really do not care. If the SLI would've been more spread out seniority-wise there would've been a lot less scrambling of bases. YOU and SWAPA created it, not AT folks. Now you have to live with it. YOU and SWAPA wanted all the CA seats, which created super-senior FOs. YOU and SWAPA were too clueless to see it coming now you complain about it...get over it...YOU and SWAPA screwed your buddies. How do the Irish say it...GFY.

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Both sides suffered from mismanaged expectations. Being and Atlanta guy I get to hear a lot from both sides. The bigggest problem I see is the use of broad brushes to paint both groups. SWAPA pilots this and ALPA pilots that. There are plenty of whiners on both sides and nothing is going to get solved here. I never wanted to work at AT and there are plenty of AT pilots who didn't (don't) want to work for SWA. That's the way it is.

In my eleven years SWA has been very good to me and I hope that in the future, our new brothers and sisters will find healing in the many good things that this place is. Let's pull the rope in the same direction and make it GREATfor all of us.
Just because you are in the lower half of pilots I.Q. wise, doesn't mean
that you can't contribute.

I think you know what I mean. If we bought another airline we will not go to arbitration. It will be a 49% sale of assets. Why don't we all just stop the pissing match.:)
He likes to talk about those things because they are true, much to your dismay.

Why would it be to my dismay? I really don't care, seeing as how I won't be around for any of it.

I get that fact that you don't like Gary Kelly, but he's performing atrociously? That's pretty funny.

Actually, my feelings towards Gary are of indifference, not dislike. I don't like how he treated his new employees, but that's pretty much what I expect from airline management, and I don't take any of it personally. I just don't think he's a very good businessman. And the share price indicates that most investors agree with me.

Let's see, he's continued with year over year profits. More than 40 of them if I'm not mistaken.

The margins are atrocious.

He has the cleaniest/strongest balance sheet among his peers, actually has for several years.

A company that owns out-right more than 2/3rds of their fleet. Unheard of in this industry.

Like I said, the balance sheet is the strong suit. The problem is that he doesn't seem to know what to do with all of the cash to generate shareholder value.

He's pushing for 15% ROIC

What he's "pushing for" is irrelevant. To date, he's failed.

My shareholder value is up over 50%. I think I've done slightly better than your idea of a CD, but that doesn't fit in well with your 'anti-GK' rhetoric. Don't let your BS actually get in the way of the facts.

Then you're the luckiest SOB in LUV shareholder land and just bought your shares at exactly the right time. Someone who bought shares 5 years ago is at exactly the same place he started. Someone who's been a loyal shareholder for 10 years has seen the value of his shares decrease by 20%. Now, granted, all of that wasn't Gary's tenure, but the last five years was.

Gary's always talking about "own it moments." You should let him "own" his lack of performance.
Gary's always talking about "own it moments." You should let him "own" his lack of performance.

Your right, maybe I should give him credit for his continuation of year over year profits. I don't see those ending anytime time soon either.

Can you name one in the past say 40 years with the same or better performance?
Yeah, let's start with Richard Anderson.
I just think that it's fair that if your airline gets bought, you should keep your seat and
base. Why is that too much to ask?
Someone who bought shares 5 years ago is at exactly the same place he started. Someone who's been a loyal shareholder for 10 years has seen the value of his shares decrease by 20%. Now, granted, all of that wasn't Gary's tenure, but the last five years was.
Gary Kelly became CEO of SWA in July 2004. If an investor would have made a $100K investment in all 4 of the big 4, LUV, AMR, DAL, and UAL in July 2004, here is what that investment would approximately be worth today:

AMR: $0
DAL: $0
UAL: $0
LUV: $90K

While SWA margins are not as high as they were 10 or 20 years ago, their 40 years of consecutive profits and history of being financially conservative has created a balance sheet that the Big 3 will not have anytime soon. A strong balance sheet is one of the biggest factors in pilot job security during economic downturns or energy price spikes.
It's called "The Golden Rule," some people may call it the "Meeting of the
Minds," or the "Spirit of the Agreement."

It only works when you are dealing with people with integrity and a
reputation to uphold.

Southwest has shown their lack of integrity, and their reputation is forever tarnished.

Enjoy the ride down!

Your reputation sucks!

You have demonstrated a lack of integrity and without that you are

Sorry Herb, that you had to witness this.

P.S. Southwest apps are now on file at Delta, USAir, United, American and even Spirit Airlines.
please detail for the crowd exactly what section of any agreement has been breached? Oh, that's right, none have.

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