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SkyWest TA passes...

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We failed eh? Part of the reson some of our pilots o.k.'d this deal was because Mesa AND CHQ were underbidding us for RJ flying. What do 2n'd year RJ FO's make? $23/ hr? Hey, I bet you guys get an offer of maybe $30/ hr (2nd year RJ FO) to fly a 70 or 90 seat RJ. Yeah that will be success.

ATR Driver,

Let's see, SkyWest has been flying out of the South in "Tornado Allyey" for a few months and we have been #1 in the last THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS! CHQ also flys in the exact same area that you fly and they are on-time quite a bit as well. Since you didn't read my post I will say it again, YOU GUYS HAVE THE GROUND CREW WITHOUT A CLUE!!!

BTW I am a 2nd year FO and voted this down. Yeah, I might be able to upgrade in a year to RJ Capt, but I would rather be able to get paid more for bigger A/C & upgrade later.

.....Now where is my jack & coke
Oh, i see....the few flights out of your entire system qualifies your post...do you fly in the northeast at all? hmm didn't think so. If you took all the cities that u fly to for the majority out west and the few you fly down here and do the same number crunching, i would bet we would be about even. Like I said in MY post, swap ends of the US and then do the numbers again.
So what's your excuse for performing below the other regionals in the area? BTW, arguing about something as weak as on-time performance is kind of pathetic.
That we passed the TA is regretable. All things considered what we still have exceeds the contracts in place at many other regionals. I know many of SkyWests detractors here are simply posting to get a reaction and thus the question of maturity arises. Evident those who are genuine in their concern about what happened, such as surplus and to a degree Gen Lee. Equally as evident those who recieve satisfaction from evoking an emotive response. If you find yourself being lumped into that category, a little soul searching might be in order. I suppose its like spitting in the wind, futile most of the time but it provides entertainment to yourself and to others trolling for a cyber fight. I ask that before you pull out the stops that you review your contract and working conditions and compare them to SkyWest. Some will find it comparable and in places exceeding SkyWests. Others will find it no where even close to what we have or likely to have any time soon.
This is a serious issue, it would be nice to see it addressed that way. Save the vitriol for someone who cares.
Jeepman said:

We failed eh? Part of the reson some of our pilots o.k.'d this deal was because Mesa AND CHQ were underbidding us for RJ flying. What do 2n'd year RJ FO's make? $23/ hr? Hey, I bet you guys get an offer of maybe $30/ hr (2nd year RJ FO) to fly a 70 or 90 seat RJ. Yeah that will be success.

Yeah, and you took the bait. They're using us against you to take a pay cut, now our management will use you against *us* to take a pay cut...on and on and on and on. In reality, you guys were not in jeopardy of losing anything, but you bit on the lure any way.

We are not even discussing 70-seat pay rates since we don't have any. We'll see how the market is if the day comes that we get them and negotiate something then.

Good gawd, man, we rejected a TA nearly three years ago that was a PAY RAISE (and would have put us near the top of the heap)! Don't urinate in our swimming pool. We're doing our best to make things better, for ourselves and everyone else!

As for the previous poster's comments on our QOL items, don't get me started. You are right on a couple and way off on the rest, but I really don't care to debate this over and over and over again. Someone else can carry the flag for awhile.

(Sitting on Reserve sucks when you're a commuter. The only entertainment I have is banging away on message boards. YUCK.)
Pee_nuss said:

General, there is alot of bad noise about the timing of the announcement, and a union may be on the way. Im playing a wait and see, management has always been good in the past to this pilot group, so im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If its the same song and dance after 18 mos, and the industry is rebounding, i think you will see some shaking.

Folks, chill out...


So you still have faith in your management after the wool they pulled over your eyes. Wake up man they are management, so they are going to leave a footprint right on your back if it they see a fat pay check in front of them. Your contract has only gotten better because of the work of those unionized to raise the bar. The suits didn't give you gains because they really like you that darn much!

I sure hope this wakes up you Skywest guys to the truth and convinces you to send in a few more organizing cards next time around. Then again I don't think your suits really are too frightened of that based on the precedent you just set. There's a very simple rule for this profession: the bigger the airplane, the more revenue it produces, the higher the crew costs. The fact that your management was able to convince more then a majority of your pilots that this doesn't have to be so is a VERY BAD precedent for our futures. There's only one other fella that I can think of that convinced non union pilots that they should be paid the same rate regardless if was 727 or DC-10. His name was Frank Lorenzo!

Just more damage that we all are going to have to work to get undone. Guys the recession is ending and the business is starting to turn around. By the time we start making any significant gains from this junk we're taking now, we'll be back in a downcycle. Think outside the box for once!
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Anybody who equates Frank Lorenzo with SkyWest management might as well equate Saddam Hussein to Mike Tyson. After all they both beat people up for a living.
And an insult to our friends that suffered under Frank Lorenzo but I'm guessing you were in grade school when all that $hit was going down.
Clueless, absolutely frigging clueless.
I think I just figured this discussion board out??! All of you holier than thou, take a stand for the industry, finger pointing, hiding behind a keyboard-tough guy clowns have nothing better to do than blame someone else for your own misfortune. This will be so convienient when you big tough talkin guys at chq get your little peckers slapped down by your own mgt when it comes time for your huge jet payraise. Your strike talk is a joke too. You dont have the balls to strike in these times. You'd run your little airline into the ground, then you'd all be out of jobs. You few individual bigmouths at CoEx and ASA can expect a lot of the same from your benevolent management teams. I'm sure Gordo is shaking in his Bruno Magli's at the thought of going head to head with the mighty union contingent at Xjet. ASA, you might do a little better because you are suckling from the teat of mama Delta. You're really not competing in the same arena as the independents. When all of you big talkers come crawling back in here whenever you dont get the big industry leading deal you think you're getting, it will be sooo convenient to blame SkyWest, AirWisc, and even Mesa for your own failures. It's called self-accountability ladies. Blame yourselves for your position in life, not someone else.

NO voting CRJ FO
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Who cares....

Seriously folks.....WHO CARES.

Yes it was a $hitty thing to agree to, but we cant go back and re-vote. Those of who voted NO (me included) feel crappy about what the rest of the group did, but THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT!!! B Holt, et al, racked us over the coals with this one. All we can do now is wait 18 months and hope they use KY in the meantime.

Oh and another thing.....For Christ sake, do not vote a union on property right now. We will be stuck in this agreement until a new one is hashed out. Ask some of the Comair, Horizon guys how long it tok to hash a new/initial contract out?

To everyone at the other major regionals, we (those who vote against) apologize.

From another NO voting SkyW guy who is disappointed at the outcome of this vote, no apology is necessary to any other airline. We make our beds, we sleep in them, and they do the same. Blaming other airlines for your own situation is
Chickensh!t. It's called capitalism in a free market economy. Supply and demand dictate prices, and prices dictate income. The economy sucks right now and we're all feeling the pinch. The above post about the Walmartization of the American consumer was right on. No worries mate, you dont owe anyone but yourself, and maybe your own pilot group.

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