No, the membership does NOT vote for the MEC (Master executive council). They are elected by the various LEC's (local executive councils).
Not true. The MEC is made up of two groups of members: the MEC Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Sec-Treasurer) and the MEC Members. The MEC Officers have no votes on the MEC, and are basically there to serve the purpose of running the union on a day-to-day basis. They are elected by the Members of the MEC. Whenever decisions are made, they are made by the MEC Members, not the Officers. The MEC Members are elected by the pilots, because the Members are made up of the Status Reps that you elect at your LECs. Any votes on the MEC are only made by these guys. The Officers that aren't elected by the pilots don't get any votes.
The LEC's lend themselves to cronyism by a percentage based voting system. The bigger the base, the "more" a LEC members vote counts. And here's the kicker . . .they can "split" their vote, i.e. 60% of their vote for one guy, 30% for another, 10% for one more. This way they can look "impartial" and still let their bud of 15 years stay in the MEC chair.
Again, not true. Article IV, Section 5 of the Constitution and By-Laws prohibits MEC Members from using a roll-call vote for election of Officers. Roll call votes are allowed on other issues, but Officer elections only allow one vote for each Member.