Uuum......Bull Sh!t.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Stick to what you know.
OK then. Your ramp operations and ticket agents were taken away from ASA because of piss poor custmer service. I once saw an ASA ramper pick up a customers cell phone right after he dropped it on the ramp and put in in his pocket, with people watching. Since Delta has taken over the ramp sucks just not as bad. Blame whomever you want but at the end of the day the FAA statistics say ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES. Seperate from DELTA.
If you have been to JFK so much you will know Delta's operations are even worse than ATL. Not uncommon to see a line of RJ's six or seven deep waiting on a gate. Heck, you will see several mainline planes waiting for a gate on a closed runway. It is the way Delta likes to treat its customers.
All I am saying is it could be worse, ATL on its worst day is better than any place in NYC. Sorry if I struck a nerve