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Skybus Toast

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I thought Carty ran Porter Airlines in Toronto? Does he run Virgin America too?

The "nimrod" has his hands on everything.

Virgin America Inc., a new U.S-
based airline start-up company, announced today that Donald J. Carty has been
appointed as the company's chairman by VAI Partners LLC, an investment group
funded by U.S. investment firms Black Canyon Capital and Cyrus Capital
Partners and the company's controlling shareholder.

Virgin just grabbed another couple execs in the past fews month from AA.

I am sure the AA boys are not crying over the management departures over there.


Captain - $65k/yr
FO - $30k/hr

Wow, an Airtran FO ironically cheering, thinking that's one less unnecessary airline with low wages that was stealing passengers thats now gone, when in fact he's part of the one main unecessary airline that's been growing the most the past 3 years, with low wages to boot.
So how about those who scabbed at Eastern and Continental for Frank Lorenzo wages? Many of those are now Airtran and CAL pilots. How about all of the regional pilots that work for 19-20 dollars per hour. Do you lump them into the same group? Don't blame the just Skybus pilots. There are and have been plenty of opportunist out there. How about Mesa? Many good paying jobs today started off as Skybusses of their day, all on the backs of those that made this job into the job that many wanted. Who's to blame for the legacy pilot's massive pay reductions and loss of purchasing power. LCCs and the mediocre wages the wannbe pilots were willing to work for. Skybus is just the latest chapter in the ever present attack of the airline pilots quality of life and pay. Need a list? Here's one.

Peoples Express
NY Air
The new Continental
The new Eastern Airlines
Air Florida
Value Jet
Jet Blue

To name a few.

Make sure and bring this list with you and bring it up with the crews when you ask for your next Jetblue jumpseat. Or you can just hide behind your little screen name in your mom's basement and spread you hate.
when in fact he's part of the one main unecessary airline that's been growing the most the past 3 years, with low wages to boot.
What exactly is an "unnecessary airline?" :rolleyes:
sounds to me like PCL just wants to jump ahead of everyone else whenever he sees the opportunity, ie...pay for training gulfstream, Street cpt at pinnacle, and attempted street cpt at virgin. To each there own, but sometimes the journey is part of the fun...
PCL wasn't a street CA at PCL, nor did he apply to Virgin.

Not responding to the rest of the slams because you're right, I should have kept it to myself. Not making any apologies for what I feel and believe, but I should have kept my thoughts to myself out of respect for the FAMILIES of the pilots who made those decisions.

Rough times... lots of pilots on the streets this week, terrible time to be looking for a job and the kids still need to be clothed, fed, and a roof over their head.
What about the pilots at airtran that helped bring down the wages of the majors. You are just as much at fault as skybus is. don't forget where airtran came from. (Valujet)
Not responding to the slams... Except for you 'cause you're so far off base that you need a reality check,,,

Over 60% of the seniority list at airTran had nothing to do with the current contract; they weren't there when it was negotiated. Not to mention, the current CBA is a HUGE improvement over the last contract and has several industry-LEADING components in it, including a reserve PAY system that every other airline wishes they had).

As far as telling me that I'M at fault for airTran "lowering the bar"... wrong frakking guy. I'm on the street because I busted my butt to RAISE the bar.

You can trash my lack of discretion last night (which I already apologized for), but you're barking up the wrong tree when accusing me of "lowering the bar". I'm on the street for my efforts. What have YOU done to improve the industry? Be specific.

p.s. Weren't you banned last month? Thought it was permanent...
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Not responding to the rest of the slams because you're right, I should have kept it to myself. Not making any apologies for what I feel and believe, but I should have kept my thoughts to myself out of respect for the FAMILIES of the pilots who made those decisions.
Same here. Although I think it's best for the industry and the profession that this has happened, I shouldn't dance on their graves. Families are suffering today, and they don't deserve it like the pilots do.
Same here. Although I think it's best for the industry and the profession that this has happened, I shouldn't dance on their graves. Families are suffering today, and they don't deserve it like the pilots do.

It's one thing to voice outrage while they're alive, but show respect for the dead next time.
It doesn't matter at this point whether or not the Skybus pilots were/are scum. They just lost their jobs.
Apologies accepted.no one should dance on anybody graves.
AT or any airlines for that matter may be gonne by next year,all it takes is the majority of investors to decide to cut their loss by not providing anymore financing.
BTW a 30% pay cut or 30% pay raise will not determine our faith either way.

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