To the Chautauqua, Republic, and Shuttle America Pilots (E170, SF340)
For the hard critics,
The facts are all stated, eventhough some were slightly inaccurate, but nonetheless, the judgement has been made. Let's push forward from this and move on.
What will prolonged this animosity and the strains of everyone, are those few folks (Flying Horses) who thinks public humiliation and negative criticism should be view by everyone. Granted, the judgement can be viewed in the union's website, do you believe this will enlighten your ego or you just lack common sense, or maybe lack sensitivity. If you have hard-on against the Old Shuttle America Saab drivers, please say it to them/to me and not hide about it.
We are now one as a whole. Only idiots like yourself would chastice those who are down. This is totally inappropriate and unwaranted. We all need to move on and focus on the well-being of our families--like many of us.
The more this is brought up and charactized of what should be, what was, and who should have been, the more this will not end. Instead of critizing the Old Shuttlecraft crew, why don't you welcome them/us to the IBT747 and let a precedence of comarade prevail.
Don't be stupid!
Let's move on and move on from this in-house drama and stop posting company and union stuff.
For the hard critics,
The facts are all stated, eventhough some were slightly inaccurate, but nonetheless, the judgement has been made. Let's push forward from this and move on.
What will prolonged this animosity and the strains of everyone, are those few folks (Flying Horses) who thinks public humiliation and negative criticism should be view by everyone. Granted, the judgement can be viewed in the union's website, do you believe this will enlighten your ego or you just lack common sense, or maybe lack sensitivity. If you have hard-on against the Old Shuttle America Saab drivers, please say it to them/to me and not hide about it.
We are now one as a whole. Only idiots like yourself would chastice those who are down. This is totally inappropriate and unwaranted. We all need to move on and focus on the well-being of our families--like many of us.
The more this is brought up and charactized of what should be, what was, and who should have been, the more this will not end. Instead of critizing the Old Shuttlecraft crew, why don't you welcome them/us to the IBT747 and let a precedence of comarade prevail.
Don't be stupid!
Let's move on and move on from this in-house drama and stop posting company and union stuff.