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Dam, sorry about the ******************** storm

Enjoy your freedom of speech and your leming and ostrich way of life.

We have to go some where. Why can't we go some where that has BBQ?

Where do you want me to go... I'm asking where?

And the next day? And the next day?

Fight em there or fight em here?

Which would you rather do?

Cumbaya ain't gonna work!
Originally Posted by av8tor4239
First of all, I do not appreciate your steriotype of me based on my views of our governments decsion to attack Iraq. I do support our military, and love our country. This all began when a statement was made that an Army Citation was flying around without a mission on fuel paid for by the people of America.

Finding the best BBQ in the US is not helping the effort in Iraq.

How do you know? You seem to make statements you know nothing about. When I was there we would barbeque every Thursday outside the hooch. It was a GREAT way to escape from the things we faced on a daily basis. I am sure you have done the same. What can you tell me about stressed out soldiers and job performance? Have you been there to be able to make this type of statement about this guys BBQ? Soldiers are a different breed. Not everyone can do the job. We make light of alot of things to hide stress or help relieve it. My wife says I need to talk more about what I am doing but I DON'T like to bring it home. I suspect this guy may either have it really good or is making light of a bad situation.....you and I don't know but you have already assumed you do. I would like to know what you base it on? Do you know him?

Originally Posted by av8tor4329
As far as the definition of invasion: I feel that we have taken over control of Iraq and if we leave CONTROL WILL BE LOST AND THE COUNTRY WILL FALL IN TO CIVIL WAR AND BECOME EVEN WORSE THAN IT IS NOW.. MAYBE ANOTHER SOMOLIA. This is just my opinion..

I feel the same way. President Bush told America it was going to be a long war. EVERYONE knew that going into it. We have been in Japan and Germany since the end of WW2 and I suspect we will maintain a presence in Iraq as well. That is a good thing. That is where we are going to be and need to be to gain control of these radical fundamentalists that will attack our country again if given the chance. I am all for fighting them in the mideast instead of over here in America.

Originally Posted by av8tor4329
I support our troops in their efforts even though I dissagree with the invasion of Iraq. The troops are operating under orders from the higher powers and they can not control where their government sends them.

Only time will tell if the Iraq War was a good or bad thing for the long and short term. You certainly don't know.

Originally Posted by av8tor4329
Remember ALQaida was not in Iraq until we opened the door for them and invited them in.

Where would you rather fight them? They attacked us...remember?

Originally Posted by av8tor4329
I dont dog you for being a right wing fanatical bible thumping christian fundamentalist out to get all the muslems and continuing the Crusades in the 21 centry.. so please do not dog me for my views!

So what would that make you?
I know I am not going to convince you all that the USA's invasion of Iraq was completely unjustified, and had nothing to do with the attack on our country on 9/11/01.

I also know that as long as you are flying your citation to nowhere and justifying as fighting the enemy over there you will be happy.

Enjoy your BBQ, you know where I stand.

PS.. you all are really good at name calling!
I respect your views.

I just take exception to 'CNN' views. I am tired of it. Regardless of what went on or goes on in Iraq, the media doesn't report the whole story, just the parts that support political agendas (usually those with your viewpoints more than others) and it bothers me.

I have seen it first hand. I know what was going on because I was a part of it. I get back from a mission and watch how it is reported and it looks like something else with a LARGE political slant to it. Everyone gets it....the media hates President Bush, the War on Terror and anything that happens that is bad and will shed a poor light on the situation. It gets reported over and over again, while things that happen for good, rarely get more than a minute or so and then it is off to another story.

I don't blame you or anyone else with your beliefs. That is all you know. However, when you start assuming your opinions are fact and they are based on what you were told by a source with an axe to grind; I feel the need to speak up.

I have lost several friends during this war and have been there myself. I would like nothing more than America to have a news agency that would report EVERYTHING (good and bad, soldiers for and against it, ect.) that goes on and not just one side of the story.

I could write a book on the hypocrisy in the media. It is shameful. Americans drink it in like it were all fact and they have the whole story and it is wrong.

President Bush doesn't pander to Hollywood or the media. It bothers those that run those outlets. I have nothing but respect for him. He respects us (military) and is doing everything to help us improve our quality of life. That is something that I didn't see in previous administrations. Just my opinion.

Sorry if it appeared I was name calling. I am not that sort.
"We have to go some where. Why can't we go some where that has BBQ?"

Quite possibly the best line of text I have read in a long time. Should be a bumper sticker!
I know I am not going to convince you all that the USA's invasion of Iraq was completely unjustified, and had nothing to do with the attack on our country on 9/11/01.

I also know that as long as you are flying your citation to nowhere and justifying as fighting the enemy over there you will be happy.

Enjoy your BBQ, you know where I stand.

PS.. you all are really good at name calling!

Well, it's your opinion and you have the right to spout it. But why not support those who are willing to die so you keep that right instead of complaining when one of the training exercises has a plus (ie BBQ) to it?

PS - You know the difference between a liberal and a jet engine? The jet engine stops whinning when you shut it down.
Once again reverting to jokes and name calling... I do support our troops....I never said I did not support our troops.. what I dont support are "NON MISSION" flights just goofing around on the tax payer dime and then justifying it by saying you are bringing the battle to the enemey in iraq....

I ask you this morning.

Where would you want me to go tomorrow?

The next day? The next day? (Then I have to reset 1 day for crew rest).

Tell me how to give you your moneys worth?

Give me a profile, I'll fly it.

In 2 weeks the second guy to serve a year in both theatres Iraq and Afghanistan flying a UC-35 Citation Ultra) will be back.

I will no longer be the only one.

There will be more to follow soon.

Always the critics, but never the answers.

Please don't judge me. Please don't ridicule me, unless you have answers to how I can improve this world.

Don't give me this "well everybody is gonna pick on me and not listen".

I am a soldier for now, I am listening, give me the Tactics and Tools that will make me successful in your eyes.

Tell me what it will take to satisfy you as a tax payer for me to execute our flight hours?

Because apparently I, not you, will have to execute your plan.

I'm not trying to bust your balls.

36th Infantry Division motto;

"Deeds not Words".

Give me your words, I'll do your your deeds. (Isn't that how it works"?

If I screw up I'll die! If you screw up I'll die!
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.... As far as the comment I made.. You specifically stated that these flights were "NO MISSIONS, JUST SCREWING AROUND". I know that you have orders to fly the airplane and it is over your head, so I am not accusing you personally of wasting or unethical spending/flying....Still trying to figure out how being an artist in "american BBQ" is protecting me from the "evil doers"????:confused:

Av8tor, the flights you're objecting to because Semore made them sound frivolous are actually training missions. (My husband flew the F16 for 15 yrs so I do know what I'm talking about). Flying skills erode when pilots spend too much time on the ground. Military pilots risk their lives in combat zones so the least we can do as taxpayers is to send them well prepared/trained. Surely you wouldn't have complained had Semore accurately described those flights as training missions? As to his choice of meal when he landed--so what?! He had to eat and every bite was well deserved.

When we were stationed in Germany my husband had lots of good meals after training sorties--all over Europe. When he was flying in Iraq every flight hour paid off and his "jaunts" (comparatively speaking) around Europe were more than balanced out by living in the desert in a combat zone--just as Semore had been doing until recently.

In fact, that explains how our resident artist in American BBQ is protecting you from the evil doers. Semore has been there done that already and he's working with pilots that are headed to the desert for their rotation. After the stress of war, I'm sure that regular training flights do feel like "no mission, just screwing around" to a pilot used to flying in combat zones. Having personally observed lots of military pilots talking with their hands at squadron dinners, I bet Semore passes on some damn good advice over the BBQ.

Semore is one of the NJ pilots that I corresponded with during his deployments. I saved excerpts from one of our exchanges because it was a somber snapshot of life for our NJ pilots serving in the war. I'm sharing it now as a tribute to our military and a look at the serious side of Semore. He wrote to me:

"I'm sure people are getting sick of me always talking about the "wars" like I'm John Wayne or something. ..It's called a "Fallen Comrade Ceremony". There are way too many of them. ....it is difficult to watch a coffin that you know has a dead female soldier in it....never take freedom for granted.... Nobody comes here thinking they will die...Hoist one for me....

After reading that I was praying he made it back to the States in one piece. And my response was:

For the record, Semore,

Your letters from the front are read with pride--
They bring a lump to our throats for those who died.
A medic, dead female, another Fallen Comrade--
It is a loss, a terrible shame, and so very, very, sad.
John Wayne? Hardly! He's only a hero on TV--
You're a real soldier, showing us Freedom isn't free!
Heading out

7 hours of hobbs to fly today.

Still no information since AV8TR took over the training program.

No direction as to how to best serve the Taxpayers?

We promise not to have any fun or do anything that would allow us any satisfaction while serving the country (You taxpayers)

Deeds, not Words!

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