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Seniority dispute ends at US Airways

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I'm looking at ck# 17846 from Seham's law firm. Have any idea why he's writing checks concerning the lawsuit against the Cactus 18?

Since you are in the know, care to explain?? :rolleyes:

He can't.....He's too busy working his 2nd job as a fry chef. You see that stellar 190 pay those eastholes negotiated have them paid less than, well, a mesa pilot.:laugh::laugh:
"Seniority dispute ends at US Airways"

"Just as soon as those darn west pilots bow to our will and accept DOH as the gold standard!"
Scope and Dizel, I think my opponent is busy getting tossed around in the Seham/Cleary spin machine. Please leave her alone.

She's sensitive and has feelings. :laugh:
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Hey there Nic, have ya noticed we are on the offense and through playing games with Usapians??

It's going to get interesting. You better start saving your snapbacks!!!
JLJ is being kind of quiet lately. As soon as the next down turn hits, we'll be out of money again, begging, hustling and everyting else to scrounge up a buck.
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It won't be long, the meds will wear off, again...

I wonder if they don't test for that, one of our furloughed pilots might have their job back.
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As someone who is a complete outsider to the US Airways system, I have a couple of general questions about this whole mess:

1. What is the expected end game here for either side? It sounds to me like the East wants straight DOH while the West wants Nicolau (with which I admit I'm not real familiar). It seems like neither one has much of a chance of happening in its pure form without years and years of litigation, so at what point short of either one of those two scenarios will one or both sides rest?

2. Who continues to benefit while this dispute continues? Aside from the lawyers (who, in my experience, manage to get rich no matter what), it seems to me the management comes out the big winner by continuing to pay substandard rates and administer substandard work rules, since neither the West nor the East seem to have time to address them.

3. If what I posit in #2 is correct (I said if), at what point does the management become a bigger enemy than each other? Is it never? Is it when the majority of pre-merger crewmembers retire?

I genuinely want to be educated on this matter, because I believe mergers will only continue and get bigger and I wouldn't want to see my pilot group in this kind of a bind (not that I could personally prevent it, but still...)

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