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Senate, House Agree to Sixfold Boost in Airline Pilots' Flight Experience

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Good start, Now address the rest and duty time regulations

I think we can wait another 16 years.

By the way they are sitting at the President Obama's OMB, waiting to be evaluated by another bunch of bureaucrats who know nothing about flying or airplanes other than the ATA thinks it will cause too much cost increase which will have to be passed on to the consumer.

What has ALPA PAC done for us lately?
Back to the good ol days when the min time a new hire had at skywest was 3000, 1000 turbine! Hell mesa had guys with a min of 1000.
If this thing goes through, I take back what I have said in the past about a pilot shortage in the future that actually might have a chance of driving up entry level wages. However, when the shortage actually materializes, I suspect there will "exceptions" made to the 1500 hour rule, if exceptions aren't being discussed already in Congress.
The military comparison isnt even valid.. How do you compare a pilot mill atp special with a military officer that spends a couple years with total immersion in a military training program..

I am thriled that this has passed.. Anything less than 1500 hrs in flat out dangerous. If you have anything less and dissagree than therin lies the problem.

All of the entry level jobs ( caravans, flight instructing, 135 freight, banner towing etc etc) will see strong demand from applicants with low time. The salaries in those positions will drop while the regional salaries will be forced to increase. this will lead to either downsizing, closure, or mergers with some of the regionals as their costs will increase.

This will also lead to more growth at the majors as the cost benefit of out sourcing will be reduced and more majors will grow

This is the best thing that could happen to this industry. Even if you have 100 hours in your log book you will have a better career long term.

From 2013 on the industry retirements will accelerate and jobs will be available.
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