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Senate, House Agree to Sixfold Boost in Airline Pilots' Flight Experience

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No it won't, now they'll fork over $180,000 to get to 1,500 hours, same problems.

Good luck getting a loan for that kind of green for a "flight academy". You can't even get a loan for a house these days. The good news is: Roger Cohen is probably sweating a little.
A mandate for TURBINE PIC time to "qualify" for 121 employment is the only measure that will ensure experienced pilots employ the airline industry. 1500hrs will onlny mean more time flight instructing. NOT A SOLUTION>
Turbine pic would be great but completely unrealistic. 1500hr is not perfect but it is realistic. The goal is to raise safety and 1500hr dose it!!!
Turbine pic would be great but completely unrealistic. 1500hr is not perfect but it is realistic. The goal is to raise safety and 1500hr dose it!!!

1500hrs of 172 instruction? Not at all. Pilots need experience in weather navigation, ATC interaction, high altitude aerodynamics, complex systems integration, high density airport operations, PIC decision making, department management, weather depiction, etc. Not 1500hrs of lazy 8's and shooting NDB approaches.
A mandate for TURBINE PIC time to "qualify" for 121 employment is the only measure that will ensure experienced pilots employ the airline industry.

Because God knows an Airnet pilot with 2000 hours flying a Baron in every kind of weather Mother Nature could throw at him/her isn't qualified or experienced enough to be an "airline pilot" but their coworker on a Caravan run is....
1500hrs of 172 instruction? Not at all. Pilots need experience in weather navigation, ATC interaction, high altitude aerodynamics, complex systems integration, high density airport operations, PIC decision making, department management, weather depiction, etc. Not 1500hrs of lazy 8's and shooting NDB approaches.

And how does one go about getting these experiences?
Because God knows an Airnet pilot with 2000 hours flying a Baron in every kind of weather Mother Nature could throw at him/her isn't qualified or experienced enough to be an "airline pilot" but their coworker on a Caravan run is....

There are many ways to get your 1500 hours, but it just won't be flying an RJ with pax. It's funny because it is called the ATP, airline transport pilot, certificate, but somehow over the years only the captain is requied to be an "airline pilot".
I think its good.. this used to be the rules to get an ATP and have the very minimum reqm'ts when I started flying in 78' It was the reason guys like me never made it to an airline job flying for a living, 1500 hours is hard at that stage of life and it shoule be...

I think it should be HARD to become qualified to become a airline pilot, the rules should require a breakdown of skills logged to include CFII work, 135 operations, a min of multi-time..and actual IFR, then and only then can one apply to an airline.. No more PFT or reductions for this exception of that..

JMHO of course..
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