I don't feel warm and fuzzy that I am stuck as an FO with lots of junior captains on the Gulfstreams, but that is reality and what we bargained for and that is about as good as we were going to get. No arbitrator would have stapled them if we went to arbitration and we would still be stuck in a worse position with the 2005 contract if we weren't able to agree to the IBB. Honestly, the vast majority of us SICs that are senior to G captains would never have been able to get hired on the NJI side off the street anyway. I do think they probably upgraded more pilots than necessary which exasperates the hard feelings, but the company followed the LOA and upgraded the required number of NJA pilots into the G-IVs and brought over the required numbers of FOs from the NJA side per the agreements. It is time to quit complaining about how both sides feel things are so unfair since there is NOTHING we can do about it until the next negotiating opportunity. All we can accomplish now is to let the hard feelings fester and possibly offer worse service and lose more customers.
My hope is that the company is not able or willing to extend the contract and that the next negotiations go to a single pay grade by years of service- not separate FO and CA pay scale. Nobody will ever be a captain at NJA quickly again, so it could be implemented without screwing anybody already on property and still pay those who get hired in the future fairly (at rates improved over the current FO rates, but still in the FO ball park through the first 5 years or so). This kind of pay scale would bring both groups more together without sacrificing the newhires in the future like the airlines did with their B-scales.
My hope is that the company is not able or willing to extend the contract and that the next negotiations go to a single pay grade by years of service- not separate FO and CA pay scale. Nobody will ever be a captain at NJA quickly again, so it could be implemented without screwing anybody already on property and still pay those who get hired in the future fairly (at rates improved over the current FO rates, but still in the FO ball park through the first 5 years or so). This kind of pay scale would bring both groups more together without sacrificing the newhires in the future like the airlines did with their B-scales.