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Rumor Alert! - Delta/NWA SLI

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I don't tink we'll see anything until late in the day, after the MEC has carefully inspected it. Then they will put some spin on it for damage control and finger pointing. Protecting some very important ALPA careers.
I don't tink we'll see anything until late in the day, after the MEC has carefully inspected it. Then they will put some spin on it for damage control and finger pointing. Protecting some very important ALPA careers.

If it's good you will see Dave Steven's in front of all the local news outlets surrounded by his ring kissers and boot lickers hoping to ride the gravy train to Herndon or ATL. If it's not good, they have all the usual suspects - those who did not kiss His ring, or dared to question His wisdom - to blame. I'm sure they are working on parallel communiques as we speak
Stating what should be the obvious to both MECs

If they don't release the info to you guys on both sides, at the same time, as a unified and joint venture, they are just asking for USAir type behavior to ensue.
Not to mention if they DON'T do it that way, regardless of what one side or the other plans to spin it as, SOMEONE will be first and it will be from THAT first "spin" that people get their info.
Just release the list to the people tomorrow, then present a UNIFIED face or you are asking for history to repeat itself, bigtime.

PS-- Good luck to you all...hopefully all the "kum-bay-ya" wasn't for naught, and you can all do as was intended once the arbitration has come down, and put your differences aside, become ONE airline with NO hierarchy, and strive to be one light in the whole mess of an industry.
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If it's good you will see Dave Steven's in front of all the local news outlets surrounded by his ring kissers and boot lickers hoping to ride the gravy train to Herndon or ATL. If it's not good, they have all the usual suspects - those who did not kiss His ring, or dared to question His wisdom - to blame. I'm sure they are working on parallel communiques as we speak

I wonder if they will ask him AGAIN "Do you remember being told there would be possible furloughs at NWA?"

So wait, he didn't recall being TOLD that or he didn't recall actually hearing actual numbers? Didn't we find a memo stating otherwise?

Regardless, this will all be over tomorrow. Can't wait.

Bye Bye--General Lee
I wonder if they will ask him AGAIN "Do you remember being told there would be possible furloughs at NWA?"

Just can't resist a chance to be an a$$hole, can you?
We will see if you will be like that when you are in person with NWA pilots. My bet is that you shut the hell up like the coward you probably are.

Regardless, this will all be over tomorrow. Can't wait.

I doubt this. I am sure if y'all make out , you will be a petty jagoff like you normally are. Like I said, you are probably a big talker online and a big ************************* in front of others.

BTW, where's all that growth you were telling us we should be so happy about?
Just can't resist a chance to be an a$$hole, can you?
We will see if you will be like that when you are in person with NWA pilots. My bet is that you shut the hell up like the coward you probably are.

I doubt this. I am sure if y'all make out , you will be a petty jagoff like you normally are. Like I said, you are probably a big talker online and a big ************************* in front of others.

BTW, where's all that growth you were telling us we should be so happy about?

I will be a coward around NWA guys? I will be the captain, so it shouldn't matter. And did Stevens say that or not? I guess I can look at the transcripts to find out......Hey, I trust people in high positions just like you do. Like President Clinton-- "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman...." If Stevens didn't recall that memo, then I believe him.......really, he was under oath, so I believe him. He just didn't recall it, that's all.

As far as making out in the SLI, it should be fair. Your age difference is made up by your frozen pension. Then it comes down to what we each bring, and we bring more. You can't deny that---our pay rates are higher and we bring more widebodies. You make fun of our 757s, but we aren't parking as many as you are, and now your 757s pay what our 767s do. You are welcome for that. How many 757s do we have? 120? How many lower paying DC9s do we have now?Yeah.... and how are cargo 742s doing these days? Have you looked at what Connie Kalitta is doing? Parking a lot of his 742s, along with Evergreen. You are bringing old 742s, and old DC9s. Keep brushing that aside, you really are trying hard to. Where is your expansion? And are you SURE you are bringing 30 more DC9s out of the desert? I am waiting....... And, I can't wait to walk into the MSP or DTW crew lounges and say hi to everyone there. I am the tall skinny guy that looks like Lerch. I'll also be wearing my hat---hopefully you will too. Can't wait...

Bye Bye--General Lee
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If they don't release the info to you guys on both sides, at the same time, as a unified and joint venture, they are just asking for USAir type behavior to ensue.
Not to mention if they DON'T do it that way, regardless of what one side or the other plans to spin it as, SOMEONE will be first and it will be from THAT first "spin" that people get their info.
Just release the list to the people tomorrow, then present a UNIFIED face or you are asking for history to repeat itself, bigtime.

PS-- Good luck to you all...hopefully all the "kum-bay-ya" wasn't for naught, and you can all do as was intended once the arbitration has come down, and put your differences aside, become ONE airline with NO hierarchy, and strive to be one light in the whole mess of an industry.

Absolutely correct! Both MEC's must get behind it unified out of the chute. Rhetoric isn't going to change the results and most if not all are going to feel slighted. Once released, we must press forward regardless how much we get "hosed" as we all will claim the other side got a better deal. Get over it already.


You never did connect the dots, but you were the inspiration for my new avatar....
I will be a coward around NWA guys? I will be the captain, so it shouldn't matter. And did Stevens say that or not? I guess I can look at the transcripts to find out......

As far as making out in the SLI, it should be fair. Your age difference is made up by your frozen pension. Then it comes down to what we each bring, and we bring more. You can't deny that---our pay rates are higher and we bring more widebodies. You make fun of our 757s, but we aren't parking as many as you are, and now your 757s pay what our 767s do. You are welcome for that. How many 757s do we have? 120? How many lower paying DC9s do we have now?Yeah.... and how are cargo 742s doing these days? Have you looked at what Connie Kalitta is doing? Parking a lot of his 742s, along with Evergreen. You are bringing old 742s, and old DC9s. Keep brushing that aside, you really are trying hard to. Where is your expansion? And are you SURE you are bringing 30 more DC9s out of the desert? I am waiting....... And, I can't wait to walk into the MSP or DTW crew lounges and say hi to everyone there. I am the tall skinny guy that looks like Lerch. I'll also be wearing my hat---hopefully you will too. Can't wait...

Bye Bye--General Lee

Can you do everyone a favor and STFU!
Thank you!


You never did connect the dots, but you were the inspiration for my new avatar....

That is a FANTASTIC avatar. Very clever, and it made me cry and laugh, and then cry again for 3 minutes. What is a doudle bag anyway? That is what it says, right?

Bye Bye--General Lee

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