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Rumor Alert! - Delta/NWA SLI

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First of all I find it very funny that many times in the past you have jumped on the wagon when someone stated that "it has never been used in arbitration before" NWA guys jumped the fact that no matter....it still isn't right. Now you use the excuse.

Also (NWA) had nothing to do with....yes nothing to do with setting up our loa19 that set the bar that you guys passed with something like 80 something percent....and now you want credit for the pay that WE set up for the 9's and how close they are in pay to the 80's.....the ...."um we get paid the same".....and the making a TON of money for Delta with the 9's...dude get a grip. Ton of money for Delta. Your pay scales you just got....you can thank Delta guys....if not for our doing you would still be hanging out to dry. Ton of money you are making...there isn't an airplane in this world making a ton of money. Back to reality for you my friend.

Really, try not to post drunk. Kay?

Or maybe your sending this from your deerstand and your fingers are frozen. Either way, it's non-sensical, rambling, multi-colored garbage.
First of all I find it very funny that many times in the past you have jumped on the wagon when someone stated that "it has never been used in arbitration before" NWA guys jumped the fact that no matter....it still isn't right. Now you use the excuse.

Also (NWA) had nothing to do with....yes nothing to do with setting up our loa19 that set the bar that you guys passed with something like 80 something percent....and now you want credit for the pay that WE set up for the 9's and how close they are in pay to the 80's.....the ...."um we get paid the same".....and the making a TON of money for Delta with the 9's...dude get a grip. Ton of money for Delta. Your pay scales you just got....you can thank Delta guys....if not for our doing you would still be hanging out to dry. Ton of money you are making...there isn't an airplane in this world making a ton of money. Back to reality for you my friend.

First of all, ask your children to proof read Daddy's post before you hit the submit button. Periods, commas, quotes are very useful when used correctly.

Now, If I remember correctly, LOA 19 was DALPA's "we are going to get our's" , regardless of the NWA pilot's. The NWAAPLA Negotiating committee then had to go and deal with DAL management to get ours. Yes, DALPA was watching on the sideline, but agreeing to LOA 19 without the NWA pilots was just the beginning of DALPA's idea of fair. Kind of like handing us the joint contract and saying, "oh, by the way, here is the seniority list".

I will thank the NWA Neg. committee for getting me my little raise, but thanks for playing. DALPA had very little to do with it.

Sorry Sparky, NWA's old DC-9's currently have the lowest CSM than any other jet in the fleet.

Really, try not to post drunk. Kay?

Or maybe your sending this from your deerstand and your fingers are frozen. Either way, it's non-sensical, rambling, multi-colored garbage.

Ok I agree with you on a few things.....just got out of my treestand....fingers aren't frozen anymore....it was actually nice out tonight. Drunk....only had four so far....talk to me four or five from now. Then you might have a case.:D
First of all, ask your children to proof read Daddy's post before you hit the submit button. Periods, commas, quotes are very useful when used correctly.

Now, If I remember correctly, LOA 19 was DALPA's "we are going to get our's" , regardless of the NWA pilot's. The NWAAPLA Negotiating committee then had to go and deal with DAL management to get ours. Yes, DALPA was watching on the sideline, but agreeing to LOA 19 without the NWA pilots was just the beginning of DALPA's idea of fair. Kind of like handing us the joint contract and saying, "oh, by the way, here is the seniority list".

I will thank the NWA Neg. committee for getting me my little raise, but thanks for playing. DALPA had very little to do with it.

Sorry Sparky, NWA's old DC-9's currently have the lowest CSM than any other jet in the fleet.

I love the grammer remarks. At least you are edumacated enough do see what matters. "We are going to get ours" you had your chance. We were not going to wait for our chance to be gone because of you. You are right we went and got ours. No thanks to you. "IF I remember correctly" no you don't. If it wasn't for the DALPA MEC you would have a lot less. Also you must have forgotten how many times we tried to work with you guys until you played the arbitrate card. Just like you guys still demand. Why...is your MEC afraid to be held accountable. Leave it to someone else so you can't be to blame. Your little raise....I have read your spin on all this....I wish you could have kept your old contract just as much as you do. Then we wouldn't have to hear about how you got screwed. Bye the way MR. Grammer police in the current day we use CASM not CSM (Cost per Available Seat Mile) but keep educating me. You are just like the rest of the idiots that think you know it all.

Really, try not to post drunk. Kay?
Try not to post stupid. Kay?

Or maybe your sending this from your deerstand and your fingers are frozen. Either way, it's non-sensical, rambling, multi-colored garbage.

Or maybe YOU'RE sending this from your trailer where the keys keep jumping due to bad shock absorbers!
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First of all, ask your children to proof read Daddy's post before you hit the submit button. Periods, commas, quotes are very useful when used correctly.
And yet stupidity and lack of content doesn't stop you from hitting the submit reply key!

Now, If I remember correctly, LOA 19 was DALPA's "we are going to get our's" , regardless of the NWA pilot's.
You remember incorrectly, but that hasn't stopped you from sounding stupid in the past, so why stop now.

The NWAAPLA Negotiating committee then had to go and deal with DAL management to get ours. Yes, DALPA was watching on the sideline, but agreeing to LOA 19 without the NWA pilots was just the beginning of DALPA's idea of fair. Kind of like handing us the joint contract and saying, "oh, by the way, here is the seniority list".
The spin machine is alive and well. You guys and this constand babbling BS is entertaining. I can understand your fear junior. I'd be scared if I was junior too.

I will thank the NWA Neg. committee for getting me my little raise, but thanks for playing. DALPA had very little to do with it.
:laugh: :laugh:
You're welcome sparky. Keep thinking like this, its going to be a looooong career for you.

Sorry Sparky, NWA's old DC-9's currently have the lowest CSM than any other jet in the fleet.
They also have the shortest future and they lowest pay. When they go, you go!
We were not going to wait for our chance to be gone because of you. You are right we went and got ours.

You are getting closer to a complete sentence, but not quite. Anyway, you do realize that you got LESS with LOA 19 than was agreed upon earlier by both MEC's. That's when Moak tried to "slip" in the seniority list, that nobody in their right mind would have agreed to. That is the factual history of how the two groups ended up here.

If it wasn't for the DALPA MEC you would have a lot less.

Our heroes.

Also you must have forgotten how many times we tried to work with you guys until you played the arbitrate card.

Working with and screwing are two different things, at least for some. I'll leave General Lee's wife out of this. :)
You are getting closer to a complete sentence, but not quite. Anyway, you do realize that you got LESS with LOA 19 than was agreed upon earlier by both MEC's. That's when Moak tried to "slip" in the seniority list, that nobody in their right mind would have agreed to. That is the factual history of how the two groups ended up here.

Our heroes.

Working with and screwing are two different things, at least for some. I'll leave General Lee's wife out of this. :)

Always someone elses fault with you isn't it? Always the victim.
The TENSION is so thick you can cut it....

Wow - you NWA guys sound NERVOUS. Sniping at people - getting super critical on grammar. If pilots could spell they would be lawyers (battling pilot unions).

C'mon, it will all be over in less than 24 hours. Who knows what will happen - it is all speculation. Just go with the flow.... Be at least somewhat happy (and grateful) that you work for the biggest airline in the world with at least some job security. Not everyone is so lucky...

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