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"Roar from 44" on ASA travel benefits

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Guys and Gals , its time that we stand up for each other. Grienstein's comment about DAL owns the seats of its regionals is right but it also owns the seats of the mainline (all of them are under the same DL code anyway!) With that being said the DOH should still be that way across the board mainline, wholly owns, and contract carriers or let contract carriers get first priority on thier own equipment. Its time for us all to stand together and get on the same page. I think the world of DAL pilots and I aspire to one day join you on your seniorority list, however this mightier then thout attitude has got to go, I bet General might even agree with me on this 737 PYLT.
Delta: Pays ASA for each and every seat on each and every flight. Assumes all financial risks and losses on every departure. Bankrupt.

ASA: Paid a set fee (cost + profit) on each and every flight operated whether it's full or empty. Profitable.

Sorry that you think you're getting the short end of the stick here.

Personally I'd just as soon stay DOH for DL, WO & contract carriers allaround. S2's and S3's too. I've got nothing against y'all. But I don't get how we're (DL) the bad guys for reserving the right to allocate our bought and paid for seats as we see fit.
tuna pimp said:
Delta: Pays ASA for each and every seat on each and every flight. Assumes all financial risks and losses on every departure. Bankrupt.

ASA: Paid a set fee (cost + profit) on each and every flight operated whether it's full or empty. Profitable.

Sorry that you think you're getting the short end of the stick here.

Personally I'd just as soon stay DOH for DL, WO & contract carriers allaround. S2's and S3's too. I've got nothing against y'all. But I don't get how we're (DL) the bad guys for reserving the right to allocate our bought and paid for seats as we see fit.

The reality of it is that Delta, like United has done, will restructure their system with alot more feed lift in the future. So most of the commuting will be done on feed lift and therefore leave to the carrier to set up their system. In the long run it will be Delta main line that will suffer, and that won't bother me one GD bit.

And No Pimp, they're not your seats to give away, just to sell.
Tuna , my family has piedmont airlines all in its blood. What Piedmont and Delta once were before these union busting, money hungry CEO's took over is all I am saying we need back. What is it that we need ? FOR EMPLOYERS TO LOOK AFTER THIER PEOPLE, whether they be wholly owned or contract carriers. The bottom line is that when you fly your mainline a/c 737, 757, etc. you are playing a part in your pay check, my pay check and ultimately in the pay check of the share holders, just as when I fly the CRJ I am contributing to YOUR PAY CHECK, YOUR JOB SECURITY, the share holders paycheck as well as that of my own. Do you see why we all need to look after each other more than ever now ?? Hence another reason we should have all fought harder a few years ago to make it one seniorority list. I completly agree with you and stand behind your position. Management has you guys believing that we are all in different boats here but the bottom line is that we are all in the same ship with the same destination. A ship is a beautiful piece of equipment but without good leadership and a crew that is well taken care of a ship is only a heavy piece of iron that will not sail in the right direction. Our crew's (airline employees) aren't taken care of at all, and we have allowed management to divide us. but anyway not to argue, just pleasantly bringing out points. I cant stand the guys who get on here and get militious!! Fair winds and following seas !
Then why does Delta get to put non-revs in empty seats on flights with a codeshare. Shouldn't CO, NW, and AF ect. get "the right to allocate our bought and paid for seats as we see fit." Once again a double standard. The only way to make this work is to take care of your own and then help as many people as you can after that. Besides this wasn't an issue until ASA was sold.
But it's OK for a Delta pilot to bump an ASA pilot off an ASA flight?? Iv'e seen this issue up close and personel many years ago and I'm here to tell you the knife cuts both ways.


That doesn't apply anymore PHXFLYR. If I wanted to fly from SLC to Billings to see my sister, I could get bumped out of any seat from any SkyWest employee. Well, ASA is now owned by SkyWest, and we all understand that. Same goes for us when we now go on an ASA flight--any ASA employee can bump us too. They are owned by someone else, and that applies too when they ride on us. No hard feelings. Regardless, I still thank them for offering our furloughed pilots jobs. That was nice.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Willy: Depends on how the codeshare agreement is structured. If we buy a fixed block of seats ahead of time on AF or JM and are on the hook to sell them all then, yes, we should have that right as we'd pay for them whether a person sit in it or not (or vice versa). We are accepting 100% financial risk for those seats. Naturally with a foreign carrier we have much less control over who actually sits in those seats. With an EV departure accountability is a Deltamatic inquiry away.

With regards to a carrier like CO or NW the tickets are all sold on a 'sell and report' type basis. That is, CO will buy tickets from us on an as needed basis. They essentially act as an agent for us in selling our legs as if it were part of a CO itinerary. They don't own the seats, they just sold them for us. No risk if the flight goes out empty.

With ASA we're essentially chartering the whole airplane. ASA has no input in what the seats are sold for and Delta sets the schedule. Delta can and does have the right to establish the policy on who gets to ride and who doesn't. My hope, and I do mean this sincerely, is that ASA folks DO NOT get short changed. I take ASA pretty frequently and have never felt anything less than 100% safe on your flights. And I don't think too many rank-and-file people here at DL minded the arrangement with the wholly-owneds. Frankly we've got bigger fish to fry. I could get bumped off a DL flight by an EV employee just as you could get bumped off one of yours by me. Seemed fair to me.

I understand that it'll stink, especially for commuters, to lose some of these pass privilages. I use my flight passes all the time. I'm not a Delta pilot and I don't make Delta pilot money - not that those guys aren't royally taking it in the shorts. I'm not Jerry Grinstein either. I'm just an average guy sitting in a cube. Over the last year I've taken almost a 25% paycut. How much of an actual paycut have you taken? I take home $10,000 a year less now than 12 months ago - that's MY reality folks. Would you like to trade me $10,000 for a moderately better nonrev boarding priority? What would you rather have?
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uncle_rico said:
why don't you shove your "mainline" attitude up your a@#! As a commuter I am furious with you guys and the attitude you have. when times are bad you want everyone to suffer with you and "feel your pain". when times are good you will stomp on your mother to grab what everyone else might have.
Hey junior, why all the hostility?? Did someone piss in your cheerios?? What in the world are you talking about with "feel your pain?" I think you need anger management classes!

Yes, your post really pissed me off....no I don't care if this gets me banned...you delta guys need some checking of ol' mother reality...she's about to crap on your head and the sound you will hear is me laughing.

If the post really pisses you off, then skip over it! Reality....Reality is a 35% paycut a year ago...Another 19% coming this year...How much of a paycut have you taken young fella?? And the fact that you find joy in that just shows your immaturity!
P.S. This is the regional thread why are you posting here?
Last time I checked, this was a public forum....Stop back when you're done with your math homework kid!

Fins: RE:
1. It is our understanding that the Delta employees also want a higher priority on ASA's flights under the theory that Delta owns that flying. We are talking ASA employees getting bumped off ASA's own airplanes.

I don't know where you're getting the "understand" that DAL employees want a higher priority on ASA, but my feeling is that ASA employees, regardless of DOH should come before any and all DL mainline employees on all ASA flights, PERIOD!

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I was/am furloughed from Delta twice (2002 & 2003), it was a non-flying posistion but I am still not making what I made while I was at Delta. I just don't think it would not be fair for me to use my S3b as a furloughed Delta employee to get to work and bump an ASA pilot or flight attendent on an ASA flight. The pass priority on SKY has been S3c for Delta for a while now. Why is it an issue now? Delta needs to take care of their people first on Delta flights, and Skywest/ASA needs to take care of their employess first on their flights.
737 Pylt,

Let's have a reality check....I know your pain with the pay cuts!!! But less you forget that regional pilots make nothing and have sub par work rules as compared to the majors even with all the pay cuts and work rule concessions.

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