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Hmmmm, well I think some of us got into it back when regional only made up about 20-30 percent of the flying. You flew for a regional 5 years, upgraded and moved to the majors.

However now, Regionals are flying over 50% of the domestic flying! Now they are flying 100 seat Jets! So that nice job at the majors has come few and far between.

I love flying! I love my job (I wouldn't like to deal with some of the crap that comes along with it however)... But it pains many to watch people taxi'ing around in 100 seat jets that pay crap. But thats how the industry has turned and like I said..... It is what it is!!

lol my regional is better than your regional syndrome eh? Lol Who would have thought a regional pilot would be bangin on another regional pilot? Lol This is amusing. YOU are no better than any of the other regional pilots. The reason YOU have a job flying your little jet is because the mainline pilot groups didn't have the balls to hold onto scope. Oh, and because of their selfish demands. YOU are flying a regional jet because management does not want to pay a good wage to a mainline guy. YOU are just as much the problem in this industry as any other regional pilot. YOU sir, and the other message board posters that attack other regionals, don't realize what you are talking about.
If those who hate it so much would actually follow thru and get out of this business, then the supply/demand equation would shift and the pay would come up...Problem solved...That was easy!
The 10's, 20's, and 30's were dominated by people who wanted to prove themselves as daredevils and popularized flying. These folks quickly realized they could make a ton of money by flying people around. And they did. They developed the airline business and were extremely well compensated for the responsibility of transporting passengers in those "new fangled" airplanes. Airline pilots of the 50's, 60's and 70's reaped a level of respect and compensation rivaled only by doctors. You may like to romanticize the early aviation pioneers who loved to fly but most of them parlayed that into successful careers.

The GOVERNMENT built up the majors to what they are today. They initially funded them through their early stages as mail carriers. They approved the who got what routes through an old buddy network that continued into the modern 70's CAB with the mechanism of simply increasing ticket prices to cover the ever increasing variable costs. This is the airline pilots fundamental problem: THERE HAS NEVER BEEN FREE MARKET COMPETITION IN THIS BUSINESS PERIOD.

All of our wages are based back to government subsidies. Through anti-trust and bankruptcy protection the GOVERNMENT STILL SUBSIDIZES the airline business. This last point absolutely KILLS our negotiating position whatsoever. Management knows they can always allow the taxpayers/creditors to fall on the sword and declare Ch. 11 and wipe their contractual obligations clean (including pilots contracts). Our ONLY leverage HAS NEVER BEEN USED and NEVER WILL BE USED as our "national" union simply will not authorize a nationwide strike (in it's own words: the nuclear option). All of the perks of a "national" union are nice (lower group insurance rates, medical advice, safety analysis, etc), but in terms of negotiating power we are nowhere close to a "national" union.
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The GOVERNMENT built up the majors to what they are today. They initially funded them through their early stages as mail carriers. They approved the who got what routes through an old buddy network that continued into the modern 70's CAB with the mechanism of simply increasing ticket prices to cover the ever increasing variable costs. This is the airline pilots fundamental problem: THERE HAS NEVER BEEN FREE MARKET COMPETITION IN THIS BUSINESS PERIOD.

All of our wages are based back to government subsidies. Through anti-trust and bankruptcy protection the GOVERNMENT STILL SUBSIDIZES the airline business. This last point absolutely KILLS our negotiating position whatsoever. Management knows they can always allow the taxpayers/creditors to fall on the sword and declare Ch. 11 and wipe their contractual obligations clean (including pilots contracts). Our ONLY leverage HAS NEVER BEEN USED and NEVER WILL BE USED as our "national" union simply will not authorize a nationwide strike (in it's own words: the nuclear option). All of the perks of a "national" union are nice (lower group insurance rates, medical advice, safety analysis, etc), but in terms of negotiating power we are nowhere close to a "national" union.

And there never will be true free market competition in this business. As long as the guvmint regulates who can fly the planes who can wrench on the planes and what the safety standards are it isn't a free market. I would argue that the airlines are in fact the most regulated industry out there. The guvmint lays down everything about how the business must work except pricing. In that lies the sticking point. Just regulate the pricing and be done with it.
lol my regional is better than your regional syndrome eh? Lol Who would have thought a regional pilot would be bangin on another regional pilot? Lol This is amusing. YOU are no better than any of the other regional pilots. The reason YOU have a job flying your little jet is because the mainline pilot groups didn't have the balls to hold onto scope. Oh, and because of their selfish demands. YOU are flying a regional jet because management does not want to pay a good wage to a mainline guy. YOU are just as much the problem in this industry as any other regional pilot. YOU sir, and the other message board posters that attack other regionals, don't realize what you are talking about.

Perfect explanation......end of story..Great Post
lol my regional is better than your regional syndrome eh? Lol Who would have thought a regional pilot would be bangin on another regional pilot? Lol This is amusing. YOU are no better than any of the other regional pilots. The reason YOU have a job flying your little jet is because the mainline pilot groups didn't have the balls to hold onto scope. Oh, and because of their selfish demands. YOU are flying a regional jet because management does not want to pay a good wage to a mainline guy. YOU are just as much the problem in this industry as any other regional pilot. YOU sir, and the other message board posters that attack other regionals, don't realize what you are talking about.

ehhhhhhh???? Man I wish I flew a EMB170 instead of My dash 8! Hmmmm, would that be a paycut for me?
ehhhhhhh???? Man I wish I flew a EMB170 instead of My dash 8! Hmmmm, would that be a paycut for me?

This is EXACTLY my point. You think you are being paid well. Management wants you to think that. Truth is the reason you are flying them is because YOU are willing to fly that dash at a much lower cost than an mainline guy would. AND to top it off you, somehow, think that because you are getting paid a certain amount that anyone not making as much as you is somehow lowering the bar. Maybe your regional airline is better than mine, maybe not. But, really, who are you fooling? Management smiles in the mirror shaving because they have you telling the tale of how much better you have it versus another regional, all the while, you are making peanuts in comparison to what every pilot should make. Really, though, if you don't understand this by now, you never will.
This is EXACTLY my point. You think you are being paid well. Management wants you to think that. Truth is the reason you are flying them is because YOU are willing to fly that dash at a much lower cost than an mainline guy would. AND to top it off you, somehow, think that because you are getting paid a certain amount that anyone not making as much as you is somehow lowering the bar. Maybe your regional airline is better than mine, maybe not. But, really, who are you fooling? Management smiles in the mirror shaving because they have you telling the tale of how much better you have it versus another regional, all the while, you are making peanuts in comparison to what every pilot should make. Really, though, if you don't understand this by now, you never will.

The difference is you're speaking in hypotheticals versus what the RAH group just DID IN REAL LIFE (ie 50% DROP in rates taking flying from a mainline group).
This is EXACTLY my point. You think you are being paid well.

Where the hell did he say that? Nowhere. He'd say the exact opposite, which makes his point even more valid...that you have idiots flying large aircraft for less money than other pilots flying aircraft 1/3 the size!

If you're making crap money flying a 37 seater, and someone makes crappier money flying a 100 seater, I think it's ok to point that out.

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