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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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The Daily Beast..... If you actually bothered to read the source sited, it's an editorial. The author compares safety data from 2003 to 2008 and lists your Midwest as a regional. How many Rah planes were flying in your colors at that time? Your an idiot.

If YOU read the article you'll see that he evenly weighted 2008 (in which RAH was flying a lot of Midwest's flights) and compared it to the 5-year period preceding it to "reward those who have stepped up their game." Evidently Midwest's record was getting worse...
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I'm always surprised at how much Mad Dog 20/20 those goverment checks will buy. I think the grape has the highest alcohol content. I'm sure the Daily Beast has a graph on it. Moron.
I'm always surprised at how much Mad Dog 20/20 those goverment checks will buy. I think the grape has the highest alcohol content. I'm sure the Daily Beast has a graph on it. Moron.

I don't have a government job so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about...

Oh wait, I get it, you're implying that I'm in the unemployment line... I can assure you I've never received a government check for unemployment or anything else (except the occasional tax refund when I accidently overpay my taxes) so you needn't worry your little head about me. I know of a damn lot of people in this industry that haven't been as fortunate as me (or you) and I can empathize those people. For you to talk down on someone who may be down on their luck and in need of assistance is completely classless.

Regardless of your and my disagreements that type of behavior is over the line. You sir, are a ******************************bag and a disgrace. Welcome to my ignore list.
I don't have a government job so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about...

Oh wait, I get it, you're implying that I'm in the unemployment line... I can assure you I've never received a government check for unemployment or anything else (except the occasional tax refund when I accidently overpay my taxes) so you needn't worry your little head about me. I know of a damn lot of people in this industry that haven't been as fortunate as me (or you) and I can empathize those people. For you to talk down on someone who may be down on their luck and in need of assistance is completely classless.

Regardless of your and my disagreements that type of behavior is over the line. You sir, are a ******************************bag and a disgrace. Welcome to my ignore list.


You are a MORON and an IDIOT! . . You got what you deserve! HAHA
I don't have a government job so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about...

Oh wait, I get it, you're implying that I'm in the unemployment line... I can assure you I've never received a government check for unemployment or anything else (except the occasional tax refund when I accidently overpay my taxes) so you needn't worry your little head about me. I know of a damn lot of people in this industry that haven't been as fortunate as me (or you) and I can empathize those people. For you to talk down on someone who may be down on their luck and in need of assistance is completely classless.

Regardless of your and my disagreements that type of behavior is over the line. You sir, are a ******************************bag and a disgrace. Welcome to my ignore list.

You and your jerk off buddies crossed the line with the constant mudslinging against our pilot group. Any sympathy I had was eroded away long ago. I'm glad you have found work, because we don't want you here.
You and your jerk off buddies crossed the line with the constant mudslinging against our pilot group. Any sympathy I had was eroded away long ago. I'm glad you have found work, because we don't want you here.

The mudslinging is warranted. You along with your cohorts sit on your hands and seem proud to be led by a group of criminals. Grow a spine and challenge these fools.
The mudslinging is warranted. You along with your cohorts sit on your hands and seem proud to be led by a group of criminals. Grow a spine and challenge these fools.

Likeitis, You Lost also!

You are a MORON and an IDIOT! . You got what you deserve also! . . Hahaha
Likeitis, You Lost also!

You are a MORON and an IDIOT! . You got what you deserve also! . . Hahaha

I'm liking losing then. Better paying job that is more secure than any airline gig. My family thinks I'm a loser also because I'm home every night plus I provide awesome health care for them and a real retirement. If it's alright with you I'll just keep on being a loser. You can take your chances with the BB and the hope that you can get a better contract.
The mudslinging is warranted. You along with your cohorts sit on your hands and seem proud to be led by a group of criminals. Grow a spine and challenge these fools.

No it is not warranted. Same tired old song and dance about how we should walk off our jobs because collectively your pilot group couldn't put together a single complete set of testicals and do it yourselves.

Borg trying to wave around this MCI evacuation as proof we are unsafe and inept. No incidents ever happened with the MD 80s and 717's says he. Given the info the crew had at the time my hat is off to them for a job well done. If you think differently call the capt. he is a former YX guy now in our training department getting his 100hrs of line experience.

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