There seems to be a lot of talk about what B.T. should have done. The problem is not this one particular rep or the the fact that he did not approach and correct him. I have seen an underlying theme of unprofessional behavior for some time now in our union. B.T. is simply venting as many do on here and what he witnessed certainly warrants that. He should not have to go tell a rep or "safety committee guy" or P2P or anyone else representing ALPA how to be professional. They are volunteers, but piss poor volunteers are worse than none. Certainly not all of them fall under the category of piss poor, but do not support what is not right. We need to have the integrity to call it what it is and not attack the guy who witnessed it and is venting about it. The fact remains that ALPA cannot afford this type of behavior. If management spoke the way our union does or sent out emails with the tone that our union takes the pilot group would be in an uproar. All I ask is that we have the same professionalism as they currently do and the integrity to call out those of us who do not-- volunteer or not-- safety rep or not.