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RAH in section 6

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Stay within what borders? Sounds like your saying your supposed to be making crap.

I hope the other people at Republic educate you.

We've tried

He's making us all look bad!
So is everything you have learned about ALPA and Collective Barganing just what you've read on Flightinfo?

Exactly! Please disregard the duck. He doesn't know what he's talking about and he gives the rest of us a bad name.

No matter where we work and who represents us, we're all just trying to make things better.
Have I been wrong in my statements or just step on someone's toes? People are saying RAH will fold. That they've done it in the past. That they don't have a strong pilot group. I'm telling you you're wrong. Look at the work rules and payscales. You tell me where RAH is falling so damn short of everyone else.... Don't whine and complaine and make statements based on absolutely nothing. The past doesn't lie. Use google. Read posts from other pilots on other boards. Talk to people in person. Read all you can and you'll find one common truth. ALPA hasn't scored any major victories. Stopping management from taking something away, IMHO, doesn't count as a victory. They are doing what they are supposed to do. I've got several people in my class from other airlines where they simply weren't paid for their last months work because they left the company. I've talked to several people who's paychecks were constantly cut short of what they should have been. They filed grievances and never got anything out of it.

You don't have to work for someone to know they are getting screwed. I don't have to work for GoJets to know the place sucks. And yes prettymuch the only things I've learned about GoJets I've learned from aviation boards. Does that make it inaccurate? Just depends on the source of the poster. One person can be as valid as anyother type of material. Or, in some of your cases here, may not be.

I'm glad teamsters is on our side. I think they'll do the best job that anyone could expect. Don't bash RAH because they aren't ALPA. If you want to bash start at the bottom and work your way up. If you start down there you'll be busy for awhile. Seems like people are more interested in RAH because of the size of the company and it could be seen as a major hit to the industry if things went wrong. Maybe to make the industry better it would be nice to cut the cancers at the bottom off to increase things for all of us. I've said it once and I'll say it again. I don't think there's anything wrong with ALPA. I back their plays when they make them. But I'm glad we have the teamsters on our side. I back anyone doing what they can to make the industry better. Don't mistake that and for god sakes read everything before you decide to post some random rant.
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Have I been wrong in my statements or just step on someone's toes? People are saying RAH will fold. That they've done it in the past. That they don't have a strong pilot group. I'm telling you you're wrong. Look at the work rules and payscales. You tell me where RAH is falling so damn short of everyone else.... Don't whine and complaine and make statements based on absolutely nothing. The past doesn't lie. Use google. Read posts from other pilots on other boards. Talk to people in person. Read all you can and you'll find one common truth. ALPA hasn't scored any major victories. Stopping management from taking something away, IMHO, doesn't count as a victory. They are doing what they are supposed to do. I've got several people in my class from other airlines where they simply weren't paid for their last months work because they left the company. I've talked to several people who's paychecks were constantly cut short of what they should have been. They filed grievances and never got anything out of it.

You don't have to work for someone to know they are getting screwed. I don't have to work for GoJets to know the place sucks. And yes prettymuch the only things I've learned about GoJets I've learned from aviation boards. Does that make it inaccurate? Just depends on the source of the poster. One person can be as valid as anyother type of material. Or, in some of your cases here, may not be.

I'm glad teamsters is on our side. I think they'll do the best job that anyone could expect. Don't bash RAH because they aren't ALPA. If you want to bash start at the bottom and work your way up. If you start down there you'll be busy for awhile. Seems like people are more interested in RAH because of the size of the company and it could be seen as a major hit to the industry if things went wrong. Maybe to make the industry better it would be nice to cut the cancers at the bottom off to increase things for all of us. I've said it once and I'll say it again. I don't think there's anything wrong with ALPA. I back their plays when they make them. But I'm glad we have the teamsters on our side. I back anyone doing what they can to make the industry better. Don't mistake that and for god sakes read everything before you decide to post some random rant.

Soooooooooooooooo, what are you trying to say?
Less than that actually. Time there doesn't matter if you can read. Comair went down because of a 3 month strike and poor ass performance. Not saying that's the case now. But people don't realise that while that 3month might have felt useful to you it was also a quarter of no earnings so now there's no money to pay the group with. Hence what led to current positions.

You want to talk big like ALPA is the shizzit. They might be for the majors but lets take a look at the track record they've got with the regionals. Can you explain to me how a company like Mesa has been in existance this entire time yet still a member of ALPA? What about ASA? Everyone has their small victories, but some have huge failures. I only have a little time in the regional industry because after a couple years of following it I came to the conclusion it was better to hold out for what I wanted then to jump at the first possibility. I never stepped on anyone to get to where I'm at.

Management is management. They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't try to make their workforce more efficient(money spent for money earned). We wouldn't be a workforce if we didn't try to make our QOL better. RAH is a great company to work for by regional standards. Definitly one of the guys at the top and that is GREATLY in part because of Teamsters and the pilots working together. They established a master seniority list ect. The pilot group is well envolved. All reasons in part to why I applied and work here now. Previous track records don't favor ALPA in regional world.

I do not expect you to know anything about Comair if you do not work there. With that said do not make statements about something you are obviously clueless on!

Fact: Just after 89 days without making money, the company started getting large quantities of aircraft while paying their pilots more money.

Fact: Comair could afford our contract and did. They made 61 million dollars in 2006.

Fact: We were pulled into bankruptcy by Delta so our assests would be protected from Delta's creditors.

Fact: We were not able to keep our contract because of the anti-labor position of bankruptcy law. I cannot think of one labor group that did not have to take concessions while going through bankruptcy at any airline.
ToiletDuck's not the same guy that trashed SDF on the private RAH forum is he? A buddy told me about that...
Bottom Line-I wish you guys well in your negotiations. Hopefully you all can help with keeping that "Bar" Moving in the right direction. Good Luck
TD: Welcome to RAH. We're glad you're here. We worked hard to get a contract with one-list and some good features, but the shoe-string management here and the truck-large holes in this contract are NOT industry-standard. Ask some of your buddies at XJET, Eagle, Comair about the hotels they stay at, their crew-rooms, and how long it takes them to get issues resolved with the company. Then get back to us about how great RAH is. I'm thrilled you're glad to be here, and we have a great pilot group, but the company has a long way to go to be upper-tire in the crappy regional world.

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