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RAH being underbid??

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Ok, let me just start by saying that everyone at TSA up till today, has been here a few years.

As most of you know, we have dealt with alot of $hit. We voted against being bottom feeders. Hence, G0JETS.

Please do not link the pilots with mgmt. We do not get to "bid" on flying. We stay here until we are hired elsewhere, try to vote in favor of the best contract, get fuc%ed, and have to wait it out.

If, and a BIG IF, IF TSA gets Delta flying, and the COMPANY under bid, it is not our fault. Trust me, we will not gloat.

thats the most logical thing anyone has said on this forum in a long time....i will never understand why certain individuals on this website constantly bash pilots from other carriers and call them bottom feeders because theyre company underbid another for a code share....the bottom line is we dont make these types of decisions management does...doesnt matter who you fly for....99.9% of all the pilots on here work for theyre prospective outfits for all the right reason...proximity to home and quality of life...I sure as $hit didnt sign up at RAH so I could be haggled on this website about how my coworkers and I are the reason this industry sucks....
I doubt he mentioned SkyWest because their flying wasn't up for bid....they had just inked a new deal with DAL at the end of last year after they bought ASA.
Well just to add a tad...what makes you think you (RAH) have always been the low bidder. You were no where close to being the low bidder in the Continental contract you guys (CHQ, same thing) won.
Well just to add a tad...what makes you think you (RAH) have always been the low bidder. You were no where close to being the low bidder in the Continental contract you guys (CHQ, same thing) won.

noone has ever been under that impression....weve never been the lower bidder when Mesa and TSA are in the picture
Like Eagle and XJet? yes. and your point is?

My point is why take less pay for more work. The logic escapes me. I could care less what Eagle and ExpressJet do. Just take a look at RAH's blended 175/190 5 year captain rate: $76. Nice job guys, Delta 737-200 captains make $127/hour 5th year. Even more good logic coming from RAH. Let me replace someone elses job that once brought $127/hour with my new job that makes $76/hour so I can hury up and make it to the job I just replaced. Confused, yes I am too. The logic makes as much sense as 2+2=5.4.
My point is why take less pay for more work. The logic escapes me. I could care less what Eagle and ExpressJet do.

What? Why are you fussin' about RAH when Expressjet and Eagle do the exact same thing? What about Skywest flying the 200/700/705 for the 50 seat payrate?

And I'm curious, how many 5 year 737-200 CAs does (or did) Delta have? I'd guess not too many...

And here's the biggest newsflash of them all: nobody would be flying 70 or larger seat jets (RAH, Eagle or otherwise) if DALPA had scoped that flying.

So where does your misplaced blame lie now?
I guess I missed the memo asking what flying I think management should bid on and for what price. I am sure the TSA MEC was contacted by DH and RL for their opinions as well.
I guess I missed the memo asking what flying I think management should bid on and for what price. I am sure the TSA MEC was contacted by DH and RL for their opinions as well.

What is funny is that this is exactly what RAH pilots say all the time, but nobody cares. A TSA guys says it, and he gets a pass. Very interesting.
F*CKIN GO JETS! comin from tsa, i wouldn't think that they're too much competition cuz they always think they're gettin flying and never do. DEPORT HULAS!

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