I also planned on being a corporate pilot. My degree is in business and I was affiliated with a Fortune 500 company during my first career. When I began flying I planned on parlaying my business experience into a corporate Fortune 500 gig. Needless to say that didn't happen. All throughout my flying career I understood that you have to adapt and take flying jobs where they presented themselves. I can only assume you found yourself in a similar position.
You had to understand that you may end up in your current situation. I find it hard to believe that someone with the experience required to attain the job you accepted did not know what they were getting themselves in to. You took the job and seem like you enjoy it. Suck it up and embrace the union or quit if that is too much for you. If you continue down the road you are currently on the job and your fellow employees will become unbearable. You can't change the direction of your current work environment, embrace it or move on if you can't face the alternative.
What you say is reasonable. I just wish unions could do their thing without intimidating those members who disagree sometimes with the leadership.