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Pinnacle Delta Flow-through

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The piss poor service from the Regionals is BECAUSE of Delta employees - PLAIN AND SIMPLE! As a DCI pilot, I show up to work to fly a well maintained airplane and try to do it on the schedule Delta management gives our company. Now, lets see where the so called "piss poor" performance breaks down. Lazy and stupid Delta gate agents cannot board on time or send people to the right airplane at the right time. Delta does not provide enough gate space so that when I arrive I have a place to park so the Delta passengers on my plane can get off and get to there connection. When I do get parked, the Delta rampers cannot unload the bags and send them to the right place so the passenger gets that bag at their destination. (Who takes that performance hit? My Regional airline) When my plane finally gets loaded (because Delta staffs the ramp so low that there are nowhere near enough people to load bags and push all the a/c they are working) I have to wait until long after my scheduled departure time before I get pushed back by a Delta ramper. In the mean time, the a/c waiting for my spot is getting later and later for his arrival time. Now that I am late, I get to my outstation late, which delays that flight back to the hub....making those passengers late for their connecting flight, usually without their bags!

Do you get the picture yet? You arrogantly slam DCI carriers for "piss poor" performance, yet all we do is safely carry the passengers Delta books on our flights (usually overbooks, causing our denied boarding stats to go up) at the time Delta tells us to (unless Delta agents and rampers cannot get the flight out on schedule) in the equipment Delta tells us to fly! Where is anything to do solely with us "piss poor"???? This attitude from you arrogant mainline pr!cks really ticks me off! You turn your noses up at us like we have ANY way to control our operation. When a passenger gets on my flight, he/she is met with a pleasant flight crew, that provides them the standard Delta service and transports them safely to their destination.

What else would you have us do to ensure your Delta passengers better service? Maybe you need to cut us a break and see where the true problems lie! Look at your own company!

All True...

-I particularly enjoy the fact that the regional airline gets blamed in the DOT stats for "involuntarily denied boarding." When is the last time any regional flying for DAL booked its own ticket.

-Perfect way to try and shift blame.

-BTW-You guys just keep right on believing whatever makes you happy. It ain't gonna change the fact that the economy blows and it sure as hell won't fix the mistakes your mgmt. is making.

-Bad times are ahead, stick your head in the sand if you wish.
All True...

-I particularly enjoy the fact that the regional airline gets blamed in the DOT stats for "involuntarily denied boarding." When is the last time any regional flying for DAL booked its own ticket.

-Perfect way to try and shift blame.

-BTW-You guys just keep right on believing whatever makes you happy. It ain't gonna change the fact that the economy blows and it sure as hell won't fix the mistakes your mgmt. is making.

-Bad times are ahead, stick your head in the sand if you wish.
That blown interview must have really messed you up seriously!:bawling:
Don't worry, there's always that "assistant griller" positon when you get tired of being the french fry girl.
There is actually a short fall in staffing in the summer of 2010.
While I understand what you're saying I have to at least, respectfully, throw out the disclaimer/reminder that the Summer of 2010 is a long, long way away in the realm of the airline industry timeline. A whole helluva lot of things could, and likely will, happen between now and then. Who's to say what's gonna happen next week, let alone a little more than a year from now.

Also, 79%N1 is dead on with his observations. I'm interested to see the numbers after mainline starts working the portion of SLC they are taking back from SKW. One could probably safely wager that they won't be as good as SKW's were...
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That blown interview must have really messed you up seriously!:bawling:
Don't worry, there's always that "assistant griller" positon when you get tired of being the french fry girl.
ya' know, I've finally been convinced! As soon as big D starts interviewing again, I'm gonna' interview.
Life must be so great as a big ole' mainline pilot! So much time off and money that I'd have been able to do everything there is to do and bought everything there is to buy, I'd have to come to the little ole' lowly regional boards to tell everybody how great I am and how much a nothing everyone else is.
WOW! What a life! You mainline guys are awesome!
The piss poor service from the Regionals is BECAUSE of Delta Management and Delta employees - PLAIN AND SIMPLE! As a DCI pilot, I show up to work on time to fly a well maintained airplane and try to do it on the schedule Delta management gives our company. Now, lets see where the so called "piss poor" performance breaks down. Lazy and stupid Delta gate agents cannot board on time or send people to the right airplane at the right time. Delta does not provide enough gate space so that when I arrive I have a place to park so the Delta passengers on my plane can get off and get to there connection. When I do get parked, the Delta rampers cannot unload the bags and send them to the right place so the passenger gets that bag at their destination. (Who takes that performance hit? My Regional airline) When my plane finally gets loaded (because Delta staffs the ramp so low that there is nowhere near enough people to load bags and push all the a/c they are working - not the fault of the workers, but the fault of management) I have to wait until long after my scheduled departure time before I get pushed back by a Delta ramper. In the mean time, the a/c waiting for my spot is getting later and later for his arrival time. Now that I am late, I get to my outstation late, which delays that flight back to the hub....making those passengers late for their connecting flight, usually without their bags!

Do you get the picture yet? You arrogantly slam DCI carriers for "piss poor" performance, yet all we do is safely carry the passengers Delta books on our flights (usually overbooks, causing our denied boarding stats to go up) at the time Delta tells us to (unless Delta agents and rampers cannot get the flight out on schedule) in the equipment Delta tells us to fly! Where is anything to do solely with us "piss poor"???? This attitude from you arrogant mainline pr!cks really ticks me off! You turn your noses up at us like we have ANY way to control our operation. When a passenger gets on my flight, he/she is met with a pleasant flight crew, that provides them the standard Delta service and transports them safely to their destination.

What else would you have us do to ensure your Delta passengers better service? Maybe you need to cut us a break and see where the true problems lie! Look at your own company!


DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER! You said what every DCI pilot thinks. I'm just to lazy to type it myself.

Everyone says Mesa Sucks.


Hey Scope, time to get a new line. What makes you think some of us even want to work for your screwed up airline.

79% is dead on. Just think back to the Dash 8/JFK/Gates 23 and 25 distaster for proof.
All pundits claim this will be the worst economic slump since 1929.

That makes me want to go out and buy some airline stock.

None of us have much to look forward to for a long time. That's one boat that we are all in!

The new Company may be somewhat insulated, but it is not bullet proof. It seems that alot of the crap on here, is the same stuff that was put out after 9/11, and look how that turned out.

Does anyone really think, that today's economy will be any better than the era after 9/11? No one has a Golden Parachute except the leadership. Once again, they will walk away with millions! That's a bet you can take to the bank.
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ya' know, I've finally been convinced! As soon as big D starts interviewing again, I'm gonna' interview.
Life must be so great as a big ole' mainline pilot! So much time off and money that I'd have been able to do everything there is to do and bought everything there is to buy, I'd have to come to the little ole' lowly regional boards to tell everybody how great I am and how much a nothing everyone else is.
WOW! What a life! You mainline guys are awesome!
Thanks. After all those 50 seat rj's are parked, you can replace the last ASA pilot that cleaned my pool! He was also very appreciative.;)

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