mmm....I cant wait to see an 08 Colgan "Captain" get paired up with a REAL 9E FO that was hired before him in the same flight deck...this is a joke and anyone that cant see that is blind...9E pilots got the shaft as usual...tuck your chests back in everyone there are some seeking legal advice through private resources...there is nothing right about this...we had our own airline stolen from under our know it and we know...stop trying to play nice and for God sakes stop calling yourself a Pinnacle pilot...9 months ago we were all just crazy arrogant rednecks and you wanted nothing to do with this name and know all of us sudden "WE ARE ALL PINNACLE PILOTS" may wear the uniform now..and you may get to fly our airplanes and your ID may even say Pinnacle and you may say Flagship on the air...but make no mistake you are who you are and your not a Pinnacle pilot...and every one of us knows it...cant wait to fly with you...enjoy my upgrade...
Let me be the first to say this: please get over it. Don't make things so personal when they're clearly not. It's not like every Colgan pilot personally influenced Bloch's decision-making over some beers in Herndon. It went to abitration. Fair or not, for better or worse, things are what they are- and they aren't changing.
I'll tell you what you don't see.. And that's the Colgan people acting like professionals about any windfall that might have come their way. The people who you say are "enjoying your upgrade" aren't running around high-fiving each other, dancing in the terminal, gloating about how they screwed some other groups in the SLI. You may envision that, but it isn't the case.
Please know, that while you feel burned by this, the people who perhaps faired better than you aren't rubbing it in your face. If they were, I'd very likely share your sentiments.
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