We can all say that he failed this and that. There are a lot of people that have failed checkrides and orals. If you have not then your time will eventually come. We don't know the exact reasons why they failed their checkrides or orals. I never though it would never happen to me, until it did. I failed my Comm Multi oral on C-310 pressurization systems. The 310 does not have pressurization, but the examiner felt that since one day I was going to be an airline pilot that I should know more on it. My instructor sat in on the oral and I have never seen two individual screaming at the top of their lungs yelling at each other. Then I did two type rides sucessfully then came the third during a pax evac on the CL-65 at the last part of the checkride, I said the memory items correct 3x and everytime I touched the left thrust reverser switch instead of GLD man Disarm. So it could happen to all of us, even the best. Many regional have high failure rates like trans states and great lakes about 10 years ago, don't know how it is now. Also instructor ratings were failed 80 percent of the time on the first try. That was the rumor back them. Nerves play a lot when you take a check ride and can cause you to make simple little error like I did. Just because these individual failed a few check ride does not make tham a bad person or pilot. We all have bad days weather doing a check ride or flying the line. We all make mistakes, but we learn from these mistakes and hope they make each one of us a better pilot next time we do a checkride or go out on the line to fly.