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PAKISTANI sues JetBlue! WOW!!!

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shooter said:
no, no comparison. Just trying to say not all Muslims are terrorists like many have claimed on this thread. Doing so is like saying all Christians are good. Not the case as pointed out above. ils2 has a hate problem and I am just trying to show him/her that the world is not all black and white.

This morning I went back and read many of your posts to see just what type of person I'm dealing with. I'm not impressed. That being said, I would like for you to explain exactly what a "hate ptoblem" is, and then quote me, in context, to show an example of my "hate problem".

I'll be patient...

I have never said that all muslims are terrorists (go on, quote me). You've already dazzled me with your knowledge of Islam, Muhammad Ali, Christian fanaticism, foreign affairs, grammar, editing and American history. You've also shown me your internet skills (providing me a link that didn't prove your lame point), and your ability to throw out meaningless terms like "hate problem". I don't trust your opinion about the color of the world...

Our little exchange began because you insulted pilots, and it contiunes because you insult our intelligence.
acaTerry said:
Flyer1015 said:
Let's just agree to disagree.

Sounds like someone is admitting they lost the debate.

NO, I am not admitting I lost the debate.

The person I was referring to kept going back and forth. He wasn't going to convince me his view, and wasn't going to convince him my view. So we agreed to disagree, and leave it at that.

It's the polite way to end an argument that keeps going back and forth.

But let me ask you, did you seriously feel that Iraq was a threat to the USA as Bush claimed?

IRAN and NORTH KOREA were not considered a threat...until now. Prior to WWI, GERMANY was not considered a threat to us. In 1939, JAPAN was not considered a threat to us, only to China and the Phillippines. Get the point here?

When was that axis of evil speech made? Admit it, Bush farked up.
1.)Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.

moon god?! LOL. Keep pulling more stuff out of your a*ss.

"Theologically" adapt to America? What's that suppose to mean? America was founded because people were trying to avoid religious persecution. You can have a Christian, Jewish, Islamic, etc. theological viewpoint, and still be a good American.

2.)Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)

Allah is the arabic word for "God." How can you say that God himself does not accept any religion but Islam. I call bullcrap on this one.

3.)Scriptural - no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Koran).

What does reading your own scriptual have to do with being an American?
Who are you to assume that only Bible readers are good Americans? I'll be honest, I know bible readers who are real sh*tty in all senses as Americans.

4.)Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

This has got to be the best one yet!!!! Hahahahaa, nice one!

Just because Mecca is the Muslim holy land doesn't mean they will make bad Americans living here. A very small percentage of the 1.4 billion muslims live in Saudi Arabia itself. So are you saying that every single muslim outside of Saudi Arabia will never adjust "geographically" ? Praying in a certain direction does not make you a bad American.

5.)Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

That is soooo wrong, I'm going to intentionally spell it RONG !
Muslims can make friends with Christians and Jews.
Please leave the bigotry for somewhere else.

6.)Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and Destruction of America, the great Satan.

NO Muslim needs to submit to the mullahs. It's not required.

7.)Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34).

Oh please. You're pulling the one extreme exception out on this one. That held true way back during war time when the men would fight, and the women would stay back. Men would die at war, and due to a male shortage, it was encouraged to have more than one wife (to have more kids).

NO Muslim today in America has more than one wife!

8.)Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Bullcrap! Of course a Muslim can accept the constitution. And no they don't think the bible is corrupt.

Did you know a muslim girl can marry a christian or jewish girl (and have that marriage recognized by Islam) ? Yes they can.

9.)Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.

Yes they can, and I think in the future, we will start seeing that happen.

But spreading democracy using bullets (as we are doing in Iraq) will not work, it's ironic too, to spread democracy by bullets.

10.)Spiritually - no. Because when we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

?!?!? This still does not have anything to do with being a good muslim living in America. They accept this nation as it is, one nation under god.

Besides, who IS attacking the "one nation under God" principle on money and on the pledge of allegiance in schools? Oh that's right, atheists.

Therefore after much study and deliberation....perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both "good" Muslims and good Americans and Canadians.

Call it what you wish....it's still the truth.

If you find yourself intellectually in agreement with the above statements, perhaps you will share this with your friends. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

Pass it on Fellow Americans and Canadians. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand.

Great! You're encouraging fearing ALL Muslims in America. Just don't let your paranoi take you too far!

Keep your bigoted advice to yourself.
Flyer1015 said:
Keep your bigoted advice to yourself.

Read the first line idiot. It was from an e-mail.

But if you want my advice, I think we need to kill every single one of them who want to harm Americans and what we stand for. I am sick and tired of hearing the apologizing for zealouts who bastardize a religon as an excuse to bring death and destruction to those who do not follow their twisted version of Islam.
Oh-ryan said:
Good interview. So what are the chances she is still alive?

According to some of the Islamic militant apologists on this board Islam is a religon of peace.
Great Link

That was a great link. She is right on about what is going on today.

I am sometimes discouraged that so few people seem to get it.
One more point

I'm sorry for the Pakistani if he was wrongly/mistakenly singled out


Until the Muslims start standing up and turning in the terrorists amongst them, I will not trust any of them.
JP4user said:
Read the first line idiot. It was from an e-mail.

But if you want my advice, I think we need to kill every single one of them who want to harm Americans and what we stand for. I am sick and tired of hearing the apologizing for zealouts who bastardize a religon as an excuse to bring death and destruction to those who do not follow their twisted version of Islam.

Yeah nice email. Clearly your friend was pretty pis*ed to be living in Saudi Arabia. No alchohol, no movie theatres? Yeah, he's NOT gonna be biased against muslims. :sarcasm:

But if you want my advice, I think we need to kill every single one of them who want to harm Americans and what we stand for.

Yes, I say find these radical terrorists and kill them. But killing them will only make them martyrs in their cause. So better yet, arrest them, and see if they give up any other info. Then jail them for life.

I am sick and tired of hearing the apologizing for zealouts who bastardize a religon as an excuse to bring death and destruction to those who do not follow their twisted version of Islam.

I am NOT standing up for these radical terrorists!! Who the he!! would ?!?

What I AM standing up for, are the good Muslims. People like you, JP4user, will have you LIVE IN FEAR of EVERY single muslim in America.

That's what I'm standing against.


Until the Muslims start standing up and turning in the terrorists amongst them, I will not trust any of them.

They finally are.

Keep in mind it was the British muslim community that tipped off the authorities for this latest UK airline terror plot. Some *good* muslims found out about this vicious terrorist plot, and tipped off the authorities.
Good for them, I say keep it up!
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