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Attitudes like that are the reason USair pilots are making $40,000. You've lost your entertainment value for me. Time to watch Lord of the Rings. Good luck. You're going to need it.

And anytime you want to compare W2's to someone who works for a union company just let us know. Then you can tell us how great a non union company is. Baaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.

I could have sworn USAir was unionized....:rolleyes:
Also know that the things that I discussed above that Flex has (more of a family enviroment, treated like an individual and not being treated like a number) is something that unions can't negotiate into a contract. You will always be treated like a number and everything you get will always have to be negotiated.

I wish i had the rose colored glasses outlook that you have. In reality though what you're about to find out that whenever you get to a larger flight department over 100 or 200 people you become a number no matter what. You think the CP has time for you to call up and chat? You think they change the payscale for you directly but not for the other pilots? No it doesn't happen that way. The company can givith and taketh away all at their whim. No matter what you say about it.

Sure right now in your small flight dept you can raise issues and problems to the CP. He'll listen. Heck you guys might actually go out for beers. Judging from your profile though you've never worked in a place with more that 20 pilots. You're in for an interesting experience.

Good luck. Sorry to hear NJ turned you down.
I wish i had the rose colored glasses outlook that you have. In reality though what you're about to find out that whenever you get to a larger flight department over 100 or 200 people you become a number no matter what. You think the CP has time for you to call up and chat? You think they change the payscale for you directly but not for the other pilots? No it doesn't happen that way. The company can givith and taketh away all at their whim. No matter what you say about it.

Sure right now in your small flight dept you can raise issues and problems to the CP. He'll listen. Heck you guys might actually go out for beers. Judging from your profile though you've never worked in a place with more that 20 pilots. You're in for an interesting experience.

Good luck. Sorry to hear NJ turned you down.

This may come as a big shock to you, but there are people out there that have no desire to work at NJ. I never applied there. As I mentioned before, I will not work at a unionized company.
This may come as a big shock to you, but there are people out there that have no desire to work at NJ. I never applied there. As I mentioned before, I will not work at a unionized company.

See you in a year at NetJets. After you get pissed enough at flex, you'll understand. (Your union brothers will welcome you, and educate you as to the realities of life (and quality of life) my young padawan).
I could have sworn USAir was unionized....:rolleyes:

No kidding huh? Flylow might have more experience with USAir. Care to shed some light?
This may come as a big shock to you, but there are people out there that have no desire to work at NJ. I never applied there. As I mentioned before, I will not work at a unionized company.

That's a fairly narrow career path you've set out for yourself. You may not want to work at NJA but when the majors call you'll just say NO.
Wow, never say never is good advise.
As I mentioned before, I will not work at a unionized company.

So if Flex votes for union representation at some point in the future, will you quit immediately after the vote count is announced?

Go to www.ibt1108.org

scroll down. 3rd hyperlink to the right...

Looks like it says "Flexjets Pilots" to me... That can't be right. :confused: The pilots are happy at Flex. It is a good company with good managers that CARE about the pilots. They don't need a union. I wonder why that is there?

I guess you better start working on the app for Citation Shares. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I could have sworn USAir was unionized....:rolleyes:

US Airways pilots now fly for Big Mesa. AAA has made their bed by living the ALPA mantra; eat the young and protect the top 10% at any costs. And then the bottom fell out. Mismanagement over the years from Butch Scholfield, Colodny, Wolf "Can't shrink into profitability" followed by furloughs, etc. so on and so forth did not lend itself to helping aleviate the situation over there either. That carrier went from an airline that had no regional jets with some of the best SCOPE language in the biz to, well, Big Mesa led by Daiquiri Doug Parker. The ALPA creedo under the Woerthless era? BOHICA. Bend Over Cause Here It Comes Again. You'd know about bending over Family Guy. In summary. Horrid management for decades coupled with greedy Union leadership led to the current situation for the guys at AAA. Any questions?

Many of is here at NJA now needed to live through examples of how NOT to act like as a Union to really appreciate how TO do it RIGHT as a Union.

When many of us hired on here at NJA, I must say that we were NOT doing it right here either.

I can't say that now.
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