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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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Come on guys... can't you recognize flame bait?

GUys no flame bait here. Your veiws are not intellectual but racist. I am not going to hang out here and make it pretty for you guys.
I am sick and tired of racist white guys getting on flight info and bashing my race and its efforts to better black people under a guise of intellectual conversation.
Nothing worthwhile here. This trend is wrong and insulting to black people and needs to end. That is why I am on here to end this insult.
I repeat you the white guy cannot tell me when to feel racism no longer exist. I will inform you when I feel it is ending or when this country can claim to have ended racism. Have you seen a single group of black people who have ever stated racism and discrimination is ended in the USA. I the black person who is the victim of racism will tell you when it ends.
You cannot and will never be able to make that judgement. You are white. You are the executor of racism either passively or in your cases actively.
Today as far as most blacks and minorities are concerned racism and discrimination thrives in America.
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Speedbird, I think you are just egging people on, or maybe someone in your family is still a Black Panther to be poisoning you with this.

BBB nailed it when he said that most of us are too busy making money. What's the point in "keeping the black man down?" I don't see you as a threat. I see you as either someone posting flamebait on here, or a complete misguided idiot... and no, it has NOTHING to do with your race.

If you aren't capable of reading and comprehension of the material, I can't help you with that.

What I CAN help you with is to understand that blacks aren't the only "disadvantaged" group. You have white kids in poor areas, you have Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc. The difference is that all are free to have their own organizations based on race, except white. You can't tell me that there aren't any "disadvantaged" white kids, so what I'm saying is make something for EVERYONE where EVERYONE will feel welcome - not just blacks. Eliminate the racial description in the name because the name itself turns people away from what could be a very noble cause.

That's how you'll cure the disease of racism.
I hope you're right; otherwise Speedbird34 might be the biggests revenge rasist on this message board.

This is about fear for the survival of black people.
One of the school teachers I spoke to yesterday told me she asked her class of white kids if they felt Lynching was a terrorist act.
Guess what the answer was? NO
They felt sawing of a human beings head was a terrorist act but could not see lynching in the same light.
We have a problem here for the future. I remain terrified of the possibilities for violence towards black people.
Let me tell what I hear from old black people. They were terrified of being lynched. When white people lynched black people it was so violent that many a times the black child, woman or man head pop right of his body.
That my freind is terrorism.
It strikes fear in our hearts and soul as it was designed to do by Mr. Lynch and his employer. We have never forgotten and we should not. I hope you also remember and try hard to prevent it happening again.
Speedbird, I think you are just egging people on, or maybe someone in your family is still a Black Panther to be poisoning you with this.

BBB nailed it when he said that most of us are too busy making money. What's the point in "keeping the black man down?" I don't see you as a threat. I see you as either someone posting flamebait on here, or a complete misguided idiot... and no, it has NOTHING to do with your race.

If you aren't capable of reading and comprehension of the material, I can't help you with that.

What I CAN help you with is to understand that blacks aren't the only "disadvantaged" group. You have white kids in poor areas, you have Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc. The difference is that all are free to have their own organizations based on race, except white. You can't tell me that there aren't any "disadvantaged" white kids, so what I'm saying is make something for EVERYONE where EVERYONE will feel welcome - not just blacks. Eliminate the racial description in the name because the name itself turns people away from what could be a very noble cause.

That's how you'll cure the disease of racism.

You can have an organization of white Pilots. Maybe we need one and they can help out in black or minority townships. I would join them if their motives are good. You can join OBAP and we can negotiate ways forward as a group or partners.
I am not worried by such a body. Right now I have never had a black instructor in an airline, never seen a black airline executive and every where I go aviation is definitely the white mans world.
We need to plan how to meet your standards and you do not need to meet mine. That is Why you have no organization.You do not need it. You are in charge completely and totally.
I have never gotten a flying job from a black man. Hopefully one day with OBAP and good white people some black kid will
No, I can't have one because it will be perceived as racist, KKK, Aryan Nation, you name it.

Do you really care if you have a black instructor or a black airline executive? I sure don't care if my instructor is white or black or purple, as long as he/she is competent.

You need a plan to meet my standard... YES. Absolutely. I don't need to meet your standard nor do I want to. I don't want a black instructor or a black executive who got his position strictly because he's black, just as I'm sure that no sane black professional would want that either. Most successful black people want to be judged based on their merits and accomplishment, and not their race.

You and your openly racist views are hampering the goals and success of those people and are giving them a bad name.
One more thing... racism is either right or wrong.

I was brought up that it was wrong. As such, I don't care what race people are as long as they're doing their jobs and doing them right. You on the other hand.... you want a black instructor, black executive.

Now, if I said I wanted a white instructor, or a white executive, I'd be a racist, right?

But you're not a racist, am I right?
One more thing... racism is either right or wrong.

I was brought up that it was wrong. As such, I don't care what race people are as long as they're doing their jobs and doing them right. You on the other hand.... you want a black instructor, black executive.

Now, if I said I wanted a white instructor, or a white executive, I'd be a racist, right?

But you're not a racist, am I right?

What you are saying is that because I seek diversity I am wrong.
It makes no sense. Diversity is needed in unequal societies mainly. People understand that if one group dominates any one field it leads to lack of understanding of the other group.
If every pilot was white. It is a problem believe me. Something is wrong. If every CEO was white we got a problem. If all leadership positions were held by one race we have a problem.
That is democracy. I want representation. I want to be part of the leadership. If I let just one race decide everything it would be very distructive for other races.
Have you seen one black guy critic my veiws on this website. You are white and cannot see my point of veiw.
That is why we need black instructors. You could and have being unfair to black pilots in your assessments many times because of your perception as a white person. Since you are the judge I have to adapt to you to survive even when your wrong. I have to meet what ever goals you set for me fair or unfair. Becuase of the unfairness of those circumstances I need a voice to cry out for me now we black people are allowed a voice.
That voice is OBAP, NAACP etc. We do not disturb white folks. We encourage our people. You are never going to do it for us. You do not understand black people and hence we are having this conversation.
Many white guys attacking one black guy who refuses to back down.
You are concerned about that. My soul is not enslaved by Mr. lynch or his type. I said earlier I have a spiritual duty to free black souls from the yoke of slavery and racism.
I mean that with everything I am worth. I am not afraid of you killing me. Not because I feel that you do not have the ability to do so. But because I serve a greater good and to be enslaved is not an option for me.
I quote one of your true American hero's who set you free from the British.
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