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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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Put the crack pipe down kunta kinte!

Slavery in America ended nearly 150 years ago (6 generations as commonly accepted). No one with any remote tie to US slavery is alive, but your "victim mentality" is.

The African continent is home to the greatest percentage of poor and starving humans on the planet. No where else is there such rampant corruption, disease, famine, starvation, slaughter, genocide, black on black ethnic cleansing, etc...

If you toke from a different bong pipe.. Speedbird... you'll see the need for your inspiration and wise counsel is greatest over there... where the black man is oppressing other black men.

In the US we're too busy making money to be concerned with "keeping the black man down"... or haven't you figured that out yet?

You can't be for real, can you?


Big Beer Belly,
You should go drinking in a bar in Africa and introduce yourself to the locals.
Chicken toad is scared. I smell your fear.
They may notice your racist stink,
They may notice a murderer who killed them from a safe distance shooting women and kids. Murderer.
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A good friend of mine is a captain for a major airline on the 757. She is half white and half not-white. She used to belong to WIA and the 99's. She has since resigned from both due to the fact that they promote one group of people. She said that she would rather belong to a group that promotes aviation to everyone, not just a specified group based on gender or race. She is now actively involved in the EAA young eagles program and another program for older teens/young adults.

I am proud to have her as my friend.

A good friend of mine is a captain for a major airline on the 757. She is half white and half not-white. She used to belong to WIA and the 99's. She has since resigned from both due to the fact that they promote one group of people. She said that she would rather belong to a group that promotes aviation to everyone, not just a specified group based on gender or race. She is now actively involved in the EAA young eagles program and another program for older teens/young adults.

I am proud to have her as my friend.


Shame on her! She is passing the wrong message about this organizations.
She most likely joined WIA for the wrong reasons and was never active. She is black my Guppy puppy. We know nothing of half whites. A drop of black makes you black. Check your women carefully Guppy and be careful what sort of freinds you choose to be proud of.
Shame on her! She is passing the wrong message about this organizations.
She most likely joined WIA for the wrong reasons and was never active. She is black my Guppy puppy. We know nothing of half whites. A drop of black makes you black. Check your women carefully Guppy and be careful what sort of freinds you choose to be proud of.

Wow. This Speedbird34 person is the biggest bigot I've ever seen.
When I walk through the airport and a child sees me in uniform, they say "look, there's a pilot". They DON't say "look there is a black pilot , or "look there is a white pilot".

I would say that in itself proves that racism is not as rampant as some would like to imply.

Slavery 150 years ago you say. Well it was so evil we live with its effects till this day and way into the future.
We had to fight to vote, to ride a bus, For school etc
I would leave it there fool.

Despite the Civil Rights establishment's rhetoric about the "tidal wave" of Black voter turnout in the 2000 elections, and notwithstanding the net increase of one million voters over 1996, the overall trendline of the Black vote has been on a downward spiral since 1968. At best, the Black vote in 2000 marked a return to 1988 voting levels when turnout was 51.5%.

In Detroit, the High School graduation rate for black males is 30%. What exactly did all that fighting accomplish?

Despite the Civil Rights establishment's rhetoric about the "tidal wave" of Black voter turnout in the 2000 elections, and notwithstanding the net increase of one million voters over 1996, the overall trendline of the Black vote has been on a downward spiral since 1968. At best, the Black vote in 2000 marked a return to 1988 voting levels when turnout was 51.5%.

I bet it hits record levels this year.
Someone's off his meds!

You are a product of worthless white trash I am sure. How some one like you gets to become a pilot I have no Idea. Take your ignorant ugly looking and stinking body and find a hole next to a toad to spend your life in and please do not have children. The world could do with less of you.

Yesterday I had lunch with a higher ed cultural diversity teacher. He told me his living grand ma was beating with belt buckles by a group of teeneage white boys to withen an inch of her life. Her entire body is a mass of scars. what happened to those kids nothing. Why did they do it. Answer was for fun. May your grand dad was one of them.
Slavery 150 years ago you say. Well it was so evil we live with its effects till this day and way into the future.
We had to fight to vote, to ride a bus, For school etc
I would leave it there fool.
Africa! Have you ever visited Africa most likely no. Most of the problems there are produced by western nations exploiting Africa. Oil companies with no care for the environment.
All the stolen wealth ending up in US and European banks funding your societies.
Black man on Black man you say. The Belgians went to Rwanda took the lighter skin black and made him a higher class than the darker one and oppressed one group for generations. Creating so much hate which finally blew up in our faces. That Rwanda 2 million dead was a product of the white mans greed.
I hate teaching creatures like you. You belong with satan in hell. Educating the devil has no interest for me. Bigots and racist make me sick. I hold my vomit as I picture you. earths scum.
Please do not have kids.

Speedbird... you need some serious psychiatric help.

Shame on her! She is passing the wrong message about this organizations.
She most likely joined WIA for the wrong reasons and was never active. She is black my Guppy puppy. We know nothing of half whites. A drop of black makes you black. Check your women carefully Guppy and be careful what sort of freinds you choose to be proud of.

When did I say or imply that she is of African descent?

You assumed she is black. You assume that she joined those organizations for the wrong reasons. You assume that she was never active in those organizations. Should I assume that since you are black that you are a crack dealer in south central LA? Of course not. See how silly you sound?

Then you accuse BBB of being a murderer. That has got to be the most racist thing I have ever heard on this board.

I'd be willing to have a professional discussion with you, but not when you rant and rave, make assumptions and call people names. I'm done with you and this thread.

"They may notice your racist stink" is what you said to BBB. Take a look in the mirror, sniff yourself, and read what you said.


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