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Remember, flying for an airline is no longer a "career." It's a JOB. A job that can and will go away at the drop of a hat or the next bonus payment to the execs.

Plan accordingly. You owe the same loyalty to the corporation that the execs show . . . like NONE. It's ALL about money. Don't forget that and start believing the business school sincerity smokescreen and slick talking bosses.
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If you are an FO on the B747-400, B757 and A330 you get a full type rating. I assume the B787 will also be a full type. The DC9 and A320 FOs get an SIC type rating.

On the long range aircraft you actually get a "cruise captain" type rating. It isn't the same as a full regular old type rating. It acrually states cruise captain.
Ref type ratings.On the international A/C new awards get a full type. Folks on the A/C when the change was made just got a SIC rating. We don't have a "cruise capt" rating.
Which bases are junior, are the lines commutable out of DTW? Does NW have long call reserve? Thanks to anyone.
Anybody know if they are still gonna do the psych eval and the medical screen? J/c.
Which bases are junior, are the lines commutable out of DTW? Does NW have long call reserve? Thanks to anyone.


Plan on MSP, which is the junior base now, or DTW. MEM is doable for reserve after a few months, but it is unstable at the bottom.

Commuting on the narrowbody is VERY tough these days due to the high value lines. Plan on 86-90 hrs/mo and working 16-18 days (yes, thats a block).

The position system IS a bit different than everywhere else. There are actually two bid positions for each seat, block and reserve. So if you are awarded, say DC9 DTW FO Block, you know with certainty you will have a line. The drawback is you can't "bid reserve" for a month to try it out...you actually have to bid the reserve position. Position bidding is done every month, and is four months in advance. You can "temp up" from reserve or to another base if something becomes available, and a temp base is a good dead for commuters (positive space to work and free hotel).

There are no "build up" lines. You are either are block or reserve. You can adjust somewhat after bidding and during the month with open flying, which is worked manually every night at midnight, and is seniority based. There is no trip drop mechanism.

There is a long call reserve, but is worthless if you plan to commute. Plan on being in base or on a trip every reserve day.

Commutes within the midwest out of DTW, MEM or MSP are relatively painless. The large population centers in the NE (say South to DC) are also hassle free due to the low numbers of commuters and relatively greater level of on-line service.

Anything to the West and South, including LAX, SFO, SEA, DEN, DFW, PHX, ATL and ANYWHERE in Florida is very, very tough due to low levels of service and/or high numbers of commuters. This is relieved somewhat by the 10 day advance JS booking (first come, first served, non-seniority based), but you have to be very quick on the trigger.

Hope this helps,
Ref type ratings.On the international A/C new awards get a full type. Folks on the A/C when the change was made just got a SIC rating. We don't have a "cruise capt" rating.

You would know more then me since I assume you work there, but a couple of months ago I talked to one of your 330 fo's and he told me he had "cruise captain" of his type. He told me the only real difference was that he did not have to do a take off and landing from the left seat.
NWA must be a great place to go......

Check out MSP star and tribune article on sunday, onlyl recieved 250 aps. on the 1st day the window was open.

could be the pay sucks, no retirement, dc9's are over 40 years old. looking good

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