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NWA's accepting Pilot Apps...

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We have a process that is going to weed out these people.

There are quite a few pilots (compared to historical numbers) at NWA who are cutting their losses and moving on. They all came there with the best of intentions - NWA let them down - do you have a process to weed that out?
I am extremely interested in NWA. Bash if you want, but I have grown up with NWA, with 3 of my family members flying for them, me working the ramp in the summer, and me doing an internship this summer.. Would it hurt me down the road if I was to apply now (way below mins) just to let them know that I am interested? (putting on my gear, ready for the attacks)
We have a process that is going to weed out these people.

Well, their fancy system didn't weed you out, so my confidence in said system isn't very high.
Your time doesn't matter, we are looking for pro-company people. The top candidates right now have a very positive history here. Who cares if you have 100000 PIC turbine, this company is not a stepping stone.

= low time brown nosing ATI's will be rewarded justly for their fawning servitude. You could even act as political officers out on the line.
Look, if you go to NW, just don't come back on here in a year and whine about how horrible it is there.

Don't expect a turn around at NW anytime soon. It usually takes 20 years to recover items lost in a concessionary contract. Not saying that it will, just that it will be a miserable place to work for many years to come, 5-10 in my estimation. Unfortunately for the JR pilots of NW, the senior pilots folded and voted in a joke of a contract... at the expense of their young.

Hands down, mgmt at NW kicked labor's ass up, down and sideways this last go-around. The senior guys, the ones who are suppose to teach and lead, let everyone else down and majorly FUBRd their airliens CBA and, for that matter, the industry. So don't bother listening to them tell you its a great place. They have proven they don't know very little. I'm generalizing of course, but you get the picture.

I certainly wouldn't leave a good paying job for NW.
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We have a process that is going to weed out these people.

Seriously, I was referring to that if NWA goes south, and we (god-forbid) furlough again, you will still be better for the experience (maybe not financially) for having flown acft with MGTOW greater than 50,000K which is what a lot of the foreign operators want.

I would not recommend anyone come here as a stepping stone, but ask any former EAL, PAA, TWA, etc. pilot about stability in this business. One always has to keep ones options open.

All jobs in aviation are temporary, some are just more temporary than others....

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