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NPA Hat Survey

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A hat makes you professional.

NO...being a professional and conducting yourself as such makes you a professional.

Isn't there a post here about how John Travolta likes to wear his little pilot suit and hat about town? Does that make him a professional? I think not.
I don't like hats. I don't wear hats on my time.

If the person paying me to fly that plane says to wear the hat...it's their dime...I'll wear the hat.
Yeah Mr. Peanuckle I hear you. We have better things to worry about. Thing is those better things are on hold right now until we can get to the table.

There has been rumors that as soon as Leonard was gone, we could get rid of the damn hats. He's gone so let's do it. I know you love your hat and it makes you feel so good putting it on. I, among others, hate the damn thing and it is a nuisance that does nothing for me or my customers. My smile and dialogue with the customers is what gives them a good experience.

Everything else in my uniform serves a purpose. The hat is outdated and waste of my time. BTW as you can see, most people have voted to get rid of it.

So what do you want me to do about FO pay right now?
Speak your mind, even if your voice is shaking!!

I speak clearly and confidently and believe what I write.

ValueJet/Air Tran is a sloppy little crap box of a carrier. And if you were such a ketch you would have landed a real job with a real company.

Wear your hat. Build your time. And keep your resume up to date. You may be put to the test you think you are so good at loser.

You are a piece of work. Lay the crack pipe down and step away from the computer before your parents catch you "wacking off" to the sight of bras and panties on the Victoria's Secret web page.

Incidentally, the following make up part of our senority list:
- at least 6 pilots I know of who have flown the Vice President of the United States
- a Thunderbird Pilot
- countless military pilots who have thousands of hours of combat time
- hundreds of dedicated professional pilots who have flown for the likes of Delta, USAir, American, United, TWA, etc.
- Oh, did I fail to mention a management team that made money every year in argueably the worst decade in US airline history.

Yea, sounds like a "crap box of a carrier" to me. What a putz you are!!!

In the interest of not aiding to your hijacking of this thread I do think the hat makes any pilot look more professional. Besides, it keeps people from handing us their luggage while we wait for a hotel room after a long day of flying.
Besides, it keeps people from handing us their luggage while we wait for a hotel room after a long day of flying.

Oh, if that were only true. In MDW last week I had one couple ask for "bag service" and another ask me to call the shuttle. The only good thing was I made two buck carrying four bags.
Professionalism is something far beyond a hat. I think the hat is an outdated concept and it simplifies being a professional to suggest one can achieve it with simply donning a hat.
Wear your hat so you don't look like a stewardess.

We don't call them stewardeses anymore. Maybe in your Grandma's day thats what they were called. I'm glad you feel like a real pilot with your hat on dude. All the more power to you. I can look the part and be the utmost professional without it.
Speak your mind, even if your voice is shaking!!

I speak clearly and confidently and believe what I write.

ValueJet/Air Tran is a sloppy little crap box of a carrier. And if you were such a ketch you would have landed a real job with a real company.

Wear your hat. Build your time. And keep your resume up to date. You may be put to the test you think you are so good at loser.

Apparently this guy's dad was fired from Air Tran and he didn't get his Pilot Barbie for Christmas this year.

Speaking of education...you might want to look into some of that yourself, Einstein.

How's your meth mouth, have you seen a specialist about that yet?

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