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I think it's great that their minds work like that. It means they'll probably do something blatantly in violation of the DFR standard pretty quickly, so I'll be able to get in a good lawsuit against them before I bail. Better pay those DFR insurance premiums, SWAPA!
Careful about gloating about widebody fenced off flying. The majority just might vote the pay for widebody to something below 737. Just saying, not that any of these talks mean a hill of beans.

What a loser. Please crawl back into your hole.
The first deal Had ATL fenced for 10 years, IMHO it would have passed (SWA BOD 19-0 vote) on both sides...SWAPA has no problem with fences...this group are sheep and will do whatever the Co. wants, not even sure why we have a "union"??? Maybe the AAI guys and the merger in General will put a little backbone in the group...
I think it's great that their minds work like that. It means they'll probably do something blatantly in violation of the DFR standard pretty quickly, so I'll be able to get in a good lawsuit against them before I bail. Better pay those DFR insurance premiums, SWAPA!

I'm sure it's what you live for.

So, PCL, here's an ironic situation for you to consider. SWAPA just concluded a vote to amend our constitution to change the definition of member class, to allow for SWAPA to take over administration of the AirTran CBA. People seem to think this will happen sooner rather than later, maybe even by this summer. At any rate, it will happen by the end of the year when AirTran ceases to exist.

So that means that by default, you will be a SWAPA member, even if still on the AirTran side of the partition (you've indicated that you will stay for the sit, if required, for a wait for training). You will have to pay dues and everything. When that day happens, will you resign then, or will you swallow your pride and continue to milk the company for a paycheck for as little work as possible, while sending your 1% to SWAPA? I'm a little curious, because you've said things that seem to contradict this possibility.

I think it's great that their minds work like that. It means they'll probably do something blatantly in violation of the DFR standard pretty quickly, so I'll be able to get in a good lawsuit against them before I bail. Better pay those DFR insurance premiums, SWAPA!

By the way, I'm guessing that you are well acquainted with the need for DFR insurance premiums, aren't you, PCL?! <rimshot> :blush:

I'm sure it's what you live for.

So, PCL, here's an ironic situation for you to consider. SWAPA just concluded a vote to amend our constitution to change the definition of member class, to allow for SWAPA to take over administration of the AirTran CBA. People seem to think this will happen sooner rather than later, maybe even by this summer. At any rate, it will happen by the end of the year when AirTran ceases to exist.

So that means that by default, you will be a SWAPA member, even if still on the AirTran side of the partition (you've indicated that you will stay for the sit, if required, for a wait for training). You will have to pay dues and everything. When that day happens, will you resign then, or will you swallow your pride and continue to milk the company for a paycheck for as little work as possible, while sending your 1% to SWAPA? I'm a little curious, because you've said things that seem to contradict this possibility.


Of course I'll pay my dues. As awful as SWAPA is, they are the collective bargaining agent negotiating and enforcing the CBA. Nothing worse than a freeloader who doesn't pay what he owes. But I'll file litigation the very second that SWAPA does anything that could violate the DFR standard.
Which, of course, would be a DFR violation, since it would fall under the categories of discriminatory and bad faith behavior.

Absolutely not. Majority rules in a union. The majority have full control over what jets get paid what. The fact the company would love cheaper widebody rates, would simply make it easy.

Look, it's not happening, but don't say it can't, reference the USair pilots issues. :)
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Scoreboard, I'm a little shocked you actually are demonstrating scab mentality??? I suppose if HA pilots were on strike and you wanted their flying you would do that too. What you said is the same premise, just in a more passive aggressive cloak.

Bubba, see why I'm a little leery of the SWAPA "culture" being a little overly self serving and less about the profession as a whole.
Demonstrating scab mentality? That's a new one.

So you're saying the Usair East West thing is all scab mentality actions?

I never said we would fly your struck work. Nice straw man attack though.

Look, I'm not the one threatening to force a fence, you threw that gauntlet down, I'm just telling you we have the votes to decide what the airframes get paid, choose wisely. A fence longer than a few years would not be in anyone's best interest, so get over it.

Like I said, none of this is going to happen, SWA is too gun shy right now.
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Of course I'll pay my dues. As awful as SWAPA is, they are the collective bargaining agent negotiating and enforcing the CBA. Nothing worse than a freeloader who doesn't pay what he owes. But I'll file litigation the very second that SWAPA does anything that could violate the DFR standard.

Glad to hear it!

Can we make you a "We Are SWAPA" avatar to replace your current one when that day comes? :)


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