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NJI Response/No Response

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Too many jokes. Must act professional. No really, who do you think has better lawyers? Do the owners want to go to Australia with a Citation captain? FYI, The International Procedures course at FSI sucks; it does not teach you anything. Don’t you think the owners are asking this……………..
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Diesel said:
I have to admit i'm curious as to what you guys are hearing about what is going to happen at NJI in 3 years.

Because we have it in writing what is going to happen during the 3 years and the end of it.

I'm not bitter just enjoying the show from the sidelines.

Diesel, I am again curious, as I was when the TA first came out, concerning the part addressing NJI/NJA. The only thing you have in writing are two things. 1: NJA guys will be coming over and flying with NJI guys. 2: There will be a HEARING concerning NJA/NJI becoming one company (and you can not even bring up the LOA or the fact that NJA pilots are flying for NJI). That is it. Anything else on both sides is speculation. It appears from the rumor mill that both sides are thinking very differently. The LOA, the same one that every NJA union rep on here loves to fall back on, has a ton of wiggle room in there for managagement to move on concerning NJA/NJI. My 2 cents from reading the "rosetta stone" for the NJA union.
rtrhd- Yeah because going international is really hard. Maybe if i'm really nice you'll teach me how to make position reports and learn how a slot works..... See you at 50w.

Common man get overyourself. It's a gulfstream not the shuttle.

By the way the lawyers worked out great for you guys. You got sold out to keep the NJA pilots happy. I know the truth sucks but it's still the truth.
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I can't really tell you whats going on a public message board but it's in the works. It's just not done yet. Should be soon though.
It will be interesting to see everything play out. Hope it works out for everyone on both sides and a better or two better companies come from it.
yup i'm interested too. It is fun too watch though.
I wouldn't be surprised to see something that says an NJA guy going over to NJI as a PIC will need something around 100 hours before being released as a PIC. Why 100 hours you ask? Because that's the number that NJA uses when a person moves to PIC in a different aircraft.

Oh, but I forgot the G-WIZ is just so hard to fly. The Citation X is trickier than the G-WIZ. And yet, we have pilots at NJA that routinely move from "simple" planes like Ultras and Excels to the big, scary, Citation X and get released with 100 hours in the Ten.

Oh, but that big bad G-WIZ can go over the ocean. Wait a minute, so can our Tens and Falcons and BBJ's. Guess NJA guys have just been winging it on all those international flights and hoping nothing goes wrong.
I got released in the X in 50 hours. So by that logic i should get released in the straight wing, non slatted, non moving elevator, g-wiz in about 10 hours. :)
Diesel said:
I got released in the X in 50 hours. So by that logic i should get released in the straight wing, non slatted, non moving elevator, g-wiz in about 10 hours. :)

Straight Wing...........UMMMMMM A REAL AERONAUTICAL EXPERT WE HAVE HERE. And the Elevator moves also, that is how it goes higher and lower. Or did you mean the STAB, it moves also. Maybe GV Flier will jump in here.
dude it's called sarcasm. Hopefully your doctor will have the same sense of humor when he tells you have AIDS.

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