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NJI Response/No Response

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Diesel said:
We were both open and frank but he said that they wouldn't tollerate any union thuggary...

Wow. That is some funny stuff. "Union Thuggary." I like that. I am going to make a bumper sticker that includes those terms.

They really don't understand and it's kinda funny.

A captain would not be so welcomed... whatever. Where is the bid?
Going2Baja said:
The only downside I see is for the current NJI guys. As with any merger seniority is everything.

Ah but that is the beautfl thing. A the fractionals, seniority is hardly anything.
GVFlyer said:
It is my expectation that tonight at 1830 at the South Carolina Yacht Club, Richard wll announce that he is matching NJA contract Gulfstream pay for all NJI pilots thereby eliminating the current dual tier pay system, that NJA first officers will be seat locked for three years and that NJA captains will fly second-in-command in NJI Gulfstreams for at least a year until they meet experience and insurance requirements.



Whatever Richard says, as long as it is in accordance with our contract, will have no problems being implemented. Seat locks are part of the deal but incoming Captains are going straight to the Captain's seat as far as I know.
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Sorry to burst your bubble, but incoming NJA Captains will not be going straight to the left seat. In fact, it will be quite a while before they see the left seat. They will be paid NJA Category 4 Captain pay but will be assigned a "virtual seniority number" that will place them in the SIC position until that "virtual" number qualifies for a PIC position. No flame, just the way it will be as per the Letter of Understanding.

As to RTS and any announcement: I still expect to hear a whole lot of nothing next week.
The virtual seniority number you speak of is integrate the two pilot groups. Since we have many pilots senior to your #1 guy, you might want to rethink what that list is all about. It's not to put NJA guys under your current captains.
griz allready got it. The VTS is just about integration not about who can hold the left seat.

You're right about the 3 years for the mgmt to find a new home though.
Good to hear from you Grizz,

Sorry but that is the plan from the poo-bahs in Hilton Head. The agreement says NJI work rules and that is what they are planning. The Letter of Understanding left a lot of grey area and they plan to exploit it. Any integration of pilot rosters down the line would follow a different track but for now, the first NJA people on property will fly as SIC only. As I posted on another thread, warm up the grievance paperwork....
Regardless of what the poo-bahs in SC think, we have a BBWG (Blue Book Working Group) that's going to dictate the implementation of the contract including the virtual seniority list. The managers at NJI are telling their pilots what they want to hear. The reality is going to be far different.
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you can warm up the grievance paperwork all you want but this union isn't like the last union. They won't just roll over to help the company. The company (RTS) agreed to this and NJI can't say a thing about it. They (NJI Managers) have their 3 years to find other jobs. They know it's a matter of time but RTS signed the document.

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